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MP3 Recording of Alarming 5000T HD Noise

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    Until recently my 5000T has always been very quiet and I never understood the various complaints that its hard drive is sometimes noisy.

    But the other morning my 5000T began emitting a loud, irregular clicking noise which continued for some minutes. At the time it was only recording one programme on BBC News HD.

    I hoped it was a one-off but today the clicking started up again. It continued, intermittently, from 16:50 - 17:10., while recording two programmes on Sky News and BBC News HD.

    I recorded a minute or so on my iPod. It uses the earphones as microphones when recording and since they have foam covers which I forgot to remove it's a little muffled, but you'll get the idea:

    (You can listen online and/or download the MP3).

    It's the sort of alarming noise you associate with the imminent death of a hard drive or an optical drive that you stuck two DVDs in by mistake.

    The box records the same news programmes on the same channels every evening but this is the first time I've heard that racket.

    I'd just about come to terms with the 5000T's appalling slowness but if this noise becomes a regular occurrence it's definitely going back to Argos.

    | Mon 1 Jan 2018 20:20:33 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Guessing the drive has major issues. I would contact whoever sold it to you for a replacement.

    Can't say I ever put 2 optical discs in a drive by mistake

    | Mon 1 Jan 2018 22:09:41 #2 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Yep thats the sort of nonsense Ive was hearing from a 2000T drive. Maybe not exactly that but enough sharp head noise ruining my viewing pleasure and book reading in the living room I was hearing it from metres away or though in the kitchen. The casing was amplifying it until it was intolerable. It would chunter,chatter away and the heads seemed to be parking regularly

    Now I dont know if its a bad batch of drives but the head was far too loud to be considered acceptable in a tv shelf product. It was a combination of drive and case but the drive wasnt particularly quiet itself

    I brought it within acceptable limits by a soundproofing and shielding project. It cost me a lot of time mounting it on rubber and metal washers under two layers of plastic and panel foam shielding. Not a job any Humax owner should have to do

    Its always an interesting subject this because if anything the 5000 is smaller than my unit and I was wondering if Humax have sorted this issue. I suspect a lot of people think its acceptable noise and live with it.

    Given the good reviews its possibly a bad batch or failing hard drives.

    | Mon 1 Jan 2018 22:36:10 #3 |

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