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Multimeter Advice

(6 posts)
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    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 36


    Hi Guys,

    Can anyone recommend a multi-meter that is capable of testing capacitors. My budget won't stretch to a top of the range fluke but I'd still like something reasonably accurate & reliable etc.


    | Sun 23 Oct 2016 9:00:42 #1 |
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    I'm not sure there is a budget multimeter which will do what you require.
    A lot of cheaper, non Fluke meters will give an indication of capacitance. Unfortunately this is not usually where the problem lies. The sort of problems seen in modern equipment are often caused by an effect called Effective Series Resistance, ESR. This as it's name suggests increases the capacitors impedance, so reducing it's ability to couple or decouple signals. However it is not uncommon for the stated capacitance to remain unchanged, indicating the capacitor is good, when in fact it is faulty. There are meters which can measure this effect, but sadly my rather nice Fluke meter which does everything other than make the tea does not.

    | Sun 23 Oct 2016 13:12:22 #2 |
  3. andyfras


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    If you're not in a great hurry, this ESR (and more) meter looks to be good value:

    | Mon 24 Oct 2016 7:31:33 #3 |
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    Posts: 36


    Thanks for the link and the quick reply, found a review on Youtube too.


    I've just ordered one from a different seller, as I couldn't be sure that the little plug in board was included.

    There was another review from a guy who had been using his for 4 months without any problems, so looks a good buy.



    | Mon 24 Oct 2016 11:00:09 #4 |
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    andyfras - 5 hours ago  » 
    If you're not in a great hurry, this ESR (and more) meter looks to be good value:

    Well spoted Andy, might go for one of those myself.

    | Mon 24 Oct 2016 13:04:46 #5 |
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    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 36


    Well meter arrived this morning so just over 3 weeks.
    No battery or instructions included but it was happy to work with an old flat ni-mh supplying 6v.
    Checked a new good quality capacitor and it was absolutely bang on.
    Leads are a bit flimsy but you can connect any 2 for testing so easy to use.
    Instructions are an easy find on google.

    | Fri 18 Nov 2016 11:25:07 #6 |

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