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My 4000T makes a clunking noise every 5 seconds

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    When it is on my Humax 4000t makes a clunking noise approx every 5 seconds. I only had it a few weeks and only noticed it today. It's probably been happening a while and is more noticeable close up. I have turned it off to standby and the noise stops, but returns when out of standby. It sounds like the kind of noise you get on a PC when its writing to a disk. Has anyone got any ideas ? I never noticed anything like this on my 9300 and now I'm aware of this noise it's a bit annoying. I bought it from Richer Sounds, shall I return it ?

    | Thu 5 May 2016 19:14:01 #1 |
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    If it is working OK it may not be a problem, I have got an old PVR with a noisy hard drive, I have had it for 5 years now, it still works but I have upgraded it with a Humax 2000T now. But if you don't want to take the risk you could contact Humax or Richer Sounds and see what they say.

    | Thu 5 May 2016 21:11:33 #2 |
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    My 2000T does exactly the same and has done since it was new - I wouldn't worry about it, quite normal. I think the reason they are noisy is that the boxes aren't very well soundproofed. Been widely reported in the past.

    | Thu 5 May 2016 21:50:58 #3 |
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    There are also widespread reports of the FVP-4000T being quiet. My impression is that I have seen more reports of them being quiet than being noisy. As people are more likely to comment on them being noisy that suggests that most are quiet.
    Here is an example which describes the FVP-4000T as super quiet

    @ward_ja You'll need to decide quickly how much it irritates you and if it is going to be worth your effort to arrange a swap with Richer Sounds.

    Presumably your purchase isn't for a refurbished model? Refurbished units are more likely to be noisy as some of them may have been rejected by the first purchaser for that very reason.

    Have you tried to get your FVP-4000T as stressed as reasonably possible to see how bad it could be? Try recording 4 HD programmes simultaneously as well as watching a fifth HD programme live but in chase play. If I recall correctly these drives are normally able to handle 12 simultaneous streams and so that should not be an issue despite it being extreme for a freeview recorder.

    I don't think that anyone else could really decide that for you. If you delay your decision for much longer there is an argument which would say that the noise couldn't be that irritating, but if you deliberately stress your current unit that could help you to decide.

    | Fri 6 May 2016 7:12:53 #4 |
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    Surely though everyone's hearing is 'unique to them'? There are so many variables to this subject e.g. size of room, where person sits in relation to box, how quiet is the room, where is it placed in relation to other equipment. The list can go on and on. I only hear my 2000T as the head bounces back and forth on the disk surface when there is no other extraneous noise in the room.

    | Fri 6 May 2016 10:23:45 #5 |
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    Thanks for the replies.

    However my question is more aimed at - is this clunking sound normal or has the machine got a problem ?

    | Fri 6 May 2016 18:22:56 #6 |
  7. Davygogs


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    ward_ja - 14 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for the replies.
    However my question is more aimed at - is this clunking sound normal or has the machine got a problem ?

    Cant say ive heard any noises from mine but i do live on quite a busy, often noisy road.

    | Fri 6 May 2016 18:41:00 #7 |
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    Well if my 2000T is anything to go by then yes - this unit has always done it, as have many others and with no apparent issues.

    | Fri 6 May 2016 21:26:13 #8 |
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    ward_ja - 14 hours ago  » 
    Thanks for the replies.
    However my question is more aimed at - is this clunking sound normal or has the machine got a problem ?

    I've owned and used over a dozen humax hard drive recorders and of course I have friends and relatives and neighbours who use Humax. Three of mine where 1TB and 1 of those three was refurbished. Only the refurbished unit had any noticeable noise. One of the points of hard drives aimed at the AV market is that they should be quiet. My refurb was very cheap and so I kept it but after some months the noise got to me and I replaced the hard drive with a 2TB harddrive from the same manufacturer's hard drive series and the room is back to being peaceful.
    If you don't like the noise then arrange for a replacement of the recorder.

    Did you try the stress test I suggested in post #4?

    | Sat 7 May 2016 8:46:44 #9 |
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    Mine only clunks when I hit it with a hammer................

    | Thu 12 May 2016 18:22:14 #10 |

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