Why do humax seem so keen on limiting the amount of information you read on their devices and their website? Just trying to use the myhumax tv guide and marvelling at the fact that in this day and age the developers are incapable of using the entire space, limiting you to a box 700 pixels wide when the most popular screen resolutions are nearly twice that. It makes it very hard to read the programme descriptions and requires a lot of scrolling. Most all web development is now done with responsive sizing of pages so that whether you view it on a PC or a phone, it makes best use of the space. Is there any chance of Humax coming out of the dark ages and fixing it?
My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T
myhumax tv guide
(1 post)-
| Fri 23 Jun 2017 10:48:39 #1 |
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