My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Mystery software upgrade?

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    I was rather taken aback to find my HDR-2000T doing a firmware update after I switched it off last night (clue: the LED was alternately flashing blue and red). There had been no on-screen warning message while I had been using it to watch a recording. When I switched back on, the download of Ver.1.01.20 dated 8 January 2018 was in progress (via the internet I think); although the screen indicated that version was already installed (an earlier failed upgrade, perhaps?). After restarting, all seemed well; although it took several tries and power on/off cycles before I could access the Humax Portal for the BBC iPlayer.

    The mystery deepens, as this page still indicates that Ver.1.01.18 is being re-broadcast this week.

    | Wed 21 Feb 2018 11:27:02 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    I've had no info from Humax Towers but it appears that there is new software for the 1800 and 2000T

    Version as you have indicated 1.01.20

    Release note:

    HDMI No Sound Issue is fixed.

    | Wed 21 Feb 2018 12:30:03 #2 |
  3. black knight

    black knight

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    Ha ha about bloody time!

    | Wed 21 Feb 2018 17:06:33 #3 |
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    I'm glad I saw this. We're off on holiday for a week, and an update would have knackered our recording schedule.

    | Thu 22 Feb 2018 16:08:59 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    colirv - 1 minute ago  » 
    I'm glad I saw this. We're off on holiday for a week, and an update would have knackered our recording schedule.

    A software update shouldn't affect your recording schedule.

    | Thu 22 Feb 2018 16:11:12 #5 |
  6. black knight

    black knight

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    Well I applied this update and decided to test the box for a few weeks to see if it was any better.

    I'm pleased to say that I haven't had any major problems, and finally after all these years, the box seems suitable for everyday use!

    | Sat 17 Mar 2018 15:12:20 #6 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Ah yes Ive just checked and I have 1.01.20 dated 8th Jan.

    I thought the sound issue was better but have yet to do a full test now I am fully aware of the update. I had sort of given up being concerned with updates.

    If they have sorted the sound issue you have to ask long and hard why it has taken this long? All this time later do I have a box that's finally fit for purpose?

    I would have been glowing about the value for money if I didnt have to sort out a noise issue and the sound had been working properly when I bought it. So near yet so far. Why this long to fix the HDMI issues Humax...why oh why?

    | Sun 25 Mar 2018 2:37:02 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Minstrel SE - 5 hours ago  » 
    Ah yes Ive just checked and I have 1.01.20 dated 8th Jan.

    I doubt it was the 8th January; I suspect you are looking at the software release date which will be well before the phased rollout of the software update was started.

    | Sun 25 Mar 2018 8:11:03 #8 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    well yes but I noticed it was up to its old tricks of not recognising the hard drive until booted up again. It does it on random occasions. It works more often than not but its still annoying when it happens.

    It is the things like that which destroy a pride of ownership and I am never sure enough to be confident with the product.

    You have to admit that issue and previously no sound 50% of the time after first booting once are pretty big consumer issues for a product to have. In the past I have had to boot it four times to get the sound back.

    Fixing the sound issue has taken them a long time to get around to. Im still not sure if its totally fixed

    | Mon 26 Mar 2018 12:31:06 #9 |

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