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Network connection issues

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    I have a new HDR-2000T and have purchased a wi-fi dongle from Amazon (
    Going via Setting =>System =>Internet settings =>Configure Wi-Fi, I get a confirmation message "The Wi-Fi network and TCP/IP settings have been configured. Now you can use the Wi-Fi network"
    However, when I then switch on TV Portal, I get an error "Cannot connect to network. Please check your internet connectionor network settings"

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 11:50:15 #1 |
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    That dongle has worked with a HDR-2000T that I use to have.

    What software version are you on for the HDR-2000T?

    If you can't resolve it by Sunday evening I may be able to visit my old machine and recheck using the most recent HDR-2000T software.

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 12:30:37 #2 |
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    Hi Luke,
    Thanks for the response. I'm on Software version UKTFAC 1.01.16 and the Loader version is UKTFAC 1.04
    Plus, for what it's worth, I have tried the usual software trick of powering down completely, waiting a minute or so, then power up, but to no avail.

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 14:59:00 #3 |
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    What I have tried so far is to use what I have currently at home that is closest to the HDR-2000T with my Floureon dongle and my router's firewall set with most ports and frills blocked.
    It worked fine. I'll still try and get to try it out on a real HDR-2000T Sunday evening.

    Have you tried going into the Humax wi-fi settings and selecting 'Apply' again, even though it states it is connected OK?
    Although I don't have this issue with any Humax I do with my Sony TV and that sorts it

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 19:25:59 #4 |
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    Hi Luke,
    Yep, I've been into the Humax settings about 3 or 4 times now before posting, checked all the settings, and clicked "Apply".
    Each time I get the same confirmation message and each time I get the same error message when selecting TV Portal.
    I'm afraid I'm not savvy enough to know how to check my router settings, but it just seems (rant warning) ridiculous that in 2016 I can buy a software product that feels so flaky. My old 9150T feels robust by comparison. If Humax made cars, they'd be bankrupt by now.
    The IT world boasts about plug'n'play, I feel like I've bought plug'n'stop!

    | Thu 22 Dec 2016 16:40:37 #5 |
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    Have you tried a hard reboot?

    By that I mean switching it off entirly for a few seconds from standby and not recording.
    If you have power saving in standby switched off then you will need to unplug it for a few seconds (when in standby and not recording).

    | Thu 22 Dec 2016 17:14:56 #6 |
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    mickb - 23 minutes ago  » If Humax made cars, they'd be bankrupt by now.
    The IT world boasts about plug'n'play, I feel like I've bought plug'n'stop!

    In fairness to Humax, it's not a Humax dongle!

    The seller claims it is compatible, but plenty of reviews on Amazon show people struggling to get it to work properly or it not working at all.

    We've seen this many times before, a small revision and almost identical packaging and one dongle works the other doesn't even when it's the same brand. If you search you might find a recommendation in this forum somewhere or hopefully wait for someone to come along and confirm one that does work. Even some of the £5 - £8 dongles worked, but it was a bit of pot luck.

    I second Luke's suggestion, but I'm guessing you got a duff one

    | Thu 22 Dec 2016 17:26:38 #7 |
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    Luke et al,
    The hard reboot did the trick! Who knew the power of unplugging?
    Thanks for all your help guys

    by the way.....
    Damian, your words about Humax are fair enough. My beef really was about the incompatibility of the whole software/hardware industry.

    | Fri 23 Dec 2016 12:38:58 #8 |

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