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Network storage setup

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    My first post!

    I would like to move my .ts recordings to a NAS from the Hummy.

    My box is connected to the home network via an ethernet connection, and that works fine.

    I have tried to find various devices on my network, by using the Media/Media Storage/Network route, but the Hummy - gives the message : "Connecting" and this happens for 10 mins, and nothing appears under the Network device page. Any ideas or additional resources I could look at?


    | Fri 28 Dec 2012 9:08:59 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    philwb - 26 minutes ago  » 
    I would like to move my .ts recordings to a NAS from the Hummy.

    Are you aware that all the recordings are encrypted?

    My box is connected to the home network via an ethernet connection, and that works fine.

    You could enable the built in FTP server on the Humax and use FTP to move the recordings to the NAS but what you are probably looking for is the custom firmware which will allow a much wider range of networking options such as samba and NFS as well as other useful features.

    | Fri 28 Dec 2012 9:40:32 #2 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    Are you aware that all the recordings are encrypted?

    Thanks, I didn't know, but have now found your post, I won't pursue this any further.

    I have tried using upnp connections/media players, but it is very flaky.

    Will buy a second box for the other TV, will be easier.



    | Fri 28 Dec 2012 13:03:15 #3 |

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