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Networking two Humax PVR's

(8 posts)
  1. ghbof


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    I am about to take delivery of a new FVP 4000T to upgrade from my FOX-T2. As I have many recordings on the FOX-T2 is it possible to network both machines to either:
    1. Copy recordings to the new FVP 4000T from the FOX-T2 via the network.
    2. Play the recordings on the FOX-T2 disk from within the FVP 4000T via the network.

    I am hoping I will not have to revert to a flash drive via the USB

    Lifelong Humax fan.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2015 13:43:06 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ghbof - 1 hour ago  » 
    I am about to take delivery of a new FVP 4000T to upgrade from my FOX-T2. As I have many recordings on the FOX-T2 is it possible to network both machines to either:
    1. Copy recordings to the new FVP 4000T from the FOX-T2 via the network.

    Assuming you don't have custom firmware installed, that will not work because the HDR recordings would still be encrypted and only playable on the box that made the recording.

    2. Play the recordings on the FOX-T2 disk from within the FVP 4000T via the network.

    Turning on the DLNA server in the HDR should allow you to play them on the FVP-4000T with its DLNA client but I don't know for certain as I don't have an FVP 4000T.

    I am hoping I will not have to revert to a flash drive via the USB

    That will work for SD recordings but not HD.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2015 14:58:57 #2 |
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    Using Foxy will let you transfer HD to USB.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2015 15:23:32 #3 |
  4. ghbof


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    Thank you Martin and BB for your prompt replies. Will try the DNLA option when my box arrives, hope it works otherwise it's USB.
    Will let you know how I get on.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2015 16:54:07 #4 |
  5. ricke17


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    Posts: 37


    I know the answer to this question before I have posted this, but figured I'd ask anyway,

    I have a Youview plusnet box (Humax) - this is on the same wired network as my new FVP 4000T - is there anyway I can transfer the recordings over or somehow watch them via the FVP 4000T??

    | Fri 13 Nov 2015 15:48:43 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    ricke17 - 19 minutes ago  » 
    I know the answer to this question before I have posted this, but figured I'd ask anyway,
    I have a Youview plusnet box (Humax) - this is on the same wired network as my new FVP 4000T - is there anyway I can transfer the recordings over or somehow watch them via the FVP 4000T??

    Only way I can think of is record them in real time using a DVD recorder (in DVD-Video format) or computer USB capture stick.

    Extracting the mpeg2 content contained in the .vob files to a .mpg file should playback OK on FVP-4000T. You really need one of the Humax Freeview+ pvrs to do this.

    | Fri 13 Nov 2015 16:11:42 #6 |
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    BB - 1 month ago  » 
    Using Foxy will let you transfer HD to USB.

    You can of course transfer without using Foxy!

    What ever makes you think that you can use Foxy with the FVP-4000T?

    | Sun 20 Dec 2015 21:24:24 #7 |
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    Luke - 12 hours ago  » 

    BB - 1 month ago  » 
    Using Foxy will let you transfer HD to USB.

    You can of course transfer without using Foxy!
    What ever makes you think that you can use Foxy with the FVP-4000T?

    Read the OP again!!
    Which box did he want to get files off??

    | Mon 21 Dec 2015 10:14:22 #8 |

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