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New 5000T, can it view T2 external HDD recordings?

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    Hi All,
    New to the forum, but have searched the FAQ and can't see a similar listing so posing the question!
    I've just bought a 5000T to replace my 6+ year old T2. I've transferred all the recordings from that onto an external HDD ... will they be viewable from the 5000T? as i know it's saved in some proprietary Humax format .ts? or can they be converted to be readable by the 5000T?
    Many thanks in advance

    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 11:32:10 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Charbe - 26 mins ago  » 
    Hi All,
    New to the forum, but have searched the FAQ and can't see a similar listing so posing the question!
    I've just bought a 5000T to replace my 6+ year old T2. I've transferred all the recordings from that onto an external HDD ... will they be viewable from the 5000T? as i know it's saved in some proprietary Humax format .ts? or can they be converted to be readable by the 5000T?

    No have you still got the working HDR-FOX-T2 ?

    Many thanks in advance

    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 11:59:07 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Charbe - 26 mins ago  » 
    Hi All,
    New to the forum, but have searched the FAQ and can't see a similar listing so posing the question!
    I've just bought a 5000T to replace my 6+ year old T2. I've transferred all the recordings from that onto an external HDD ... will they be viewable from the 5000T? as i know it's saved in some proprietary Humax format .ts? or can they be converted to be readable by the 5000T?

    Many thanks in advance

    No unless they are all SD Recordings. Have you still got the working HDR-FOX-T2 ?

    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 11:59:53 #3 |
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    Hi, Thank you for the speed response. yes i still have the working HDR-Fox-T2

    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 13:49:35 #4 |
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    Charbe - 3 hours ago  » 
    I've just bought a 5000T to replace my 6+ year old T2. I've transferred all the recordings from that onto an external HDD ... will they be viewable from the 5000T? as i know it's saved in some proprietary Humax format .ts? or can they be converted to be readable by the 5000T?
    Many thanks in advance

    I don't have a 5000T (any more) but I do have an HDR-FOX T2.

    The HDR-FOX T2 are NOT recorded in a proprietary Humax format. The recorded format are the broadcast TS formats (one version for SD, and radio, and the other for HD programmes).
    What can be the main difficulty in playing them on other devices is that the HDR-FOX T2 encrypts all its recordings when it records them so that they are only playable on the unit that recorded them. It is the encryption which is the main show stopper unless the recordings are decrypted.
    Decryption of the SD and radio recordings of the HDR-FOX T2 can be achieved by using the HDR-FOX T2 to copy them via USB to a USB external hard drive or a USB stick.

    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 15:37:24 #5 |
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    Thanks Luke. I have copied them all off the T2 via USB to an external USB drive. I see some have a symbol next to them now, which i assume from what you say above means that they were HD and therefore still encrypted. I've not set up the 5000T yet, but will do this weekend and see whether the SD files still play. Many thanks for your comments.

    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 15:45:31 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Charbe - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have copied them all off the T2 via USB to an external USB drive. I see some have a symbol next to them now, which i assume from what you say above means that they were HD and therefore still encrypted.

    You might want to pop over to to find out how to deal with the HD recordings.

    | Thu 3 Dec 2020 18:02:47 #7 |

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