My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

New FVP-4000T Random Reboots

(13 posts)
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    The unit was bought on 05 Jun and the software updated before it had any significant use. Now, some four weeks in, I have had three random reboots in the last ten days.

    Strangely, the second reboot needed the power cycling before the remote would work at all. The third, and most recent, needed the power recycling to get the Freeview Play button to work (all other functions were OK).

    I've seen there were lots of reboot problems with the previous software but reports seem to have ceased since the Apr release of the latest software.

    Am I alone in experiencing these issues?

    Barring some advice here, my next step will be either a factory reset (without HDD format) or a call to Tesco Direct for a replacement.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered.

    | Mon 3 Jul 2017 22:10:16 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Cannot remember the last time either of my units randomly rebooted.

    I would try a factory reset.

    | Tue 4 Jul 2017 7:51:32 #2 |
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    Just me then.

    Decided to replace the box.

    | Tue 4 Jul 2017 12:44:43 #3 |
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    An update:

    The new box arrived 05 Jul. First random reboot happened last night 14 Jul 2017. Once again remote completely dead until power cycled.

    Apart for downloading new software during initial set up I've done nothing to the set up but add a list of favourite channels.

    This morning I did a Factory reset without formatting HDD. Lets see what happens now.

    Not happy.

    | Sat 15 Jul 2017 10:19:32 #4 |
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    First random reboot after factory reset. It lasted one week. Thankfully remote working as normal.

    Still not happy.

    | Fri 21 Jul 2017 7:55:22 #5 |
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    Long term sequence:

    • 05 Jul - second new box
    • 14 Jul - auto reboot
    • 15 Jul - factory reset
    • 21 Jul - auto reboot
    • 17 Sep - auto reboot
    • 18 Nov - auto reboot

    So it looks like it happens every 8 weeks. Last three reboots have at least resulted in a remote that works. First one didn't.

    This is less than ideal and annoying. Any clues or fixes?

    | Sat 18 Nov 2017 22:13:41 #6 |
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    Not had a single reboot with my 4000 even when it was on the very early software, its seems very stable with great picture quality. Could it be a signal issue?

    I used to have the original RM-L03 which was a nasty cheap thing that packed up quite quickly, Humax then sent me the later RM-L08 which is much better, but the 4000 is still slow to respond to its commands. I press the guide button, count to 3 and it appears!

    | Sun 19 Nov 2017 10:38:03 #7 |
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    The reboot problem hasn't gone away.

    My 4000T (bought in early 2016) still does the occasional reboot but I don't report it on here any more as I've just learnt to live with it like some of the other shortcomings of the current box / software.

    Can't help feeling that Humax seem to have totally abandoned the 4000T user base for software updates now the 5000T is out.....

    | Mon 20 Nov 2017 0:09:39 #8 |
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    giverny - 7 hours ago  » 
    ... Can't help feeling that Humax seem to have totally abandoned the 4000T user base for software updates now the 5000T is out.....

    From what I can see there is no convincing reason for me to 'upgrade' my 4000 to the 5000, it still seems to be dogged with a slow and clunky interface albeit with a slighty different recording list. I am waiting to see a hands on user review on YouTube, but as yet there are not any listed.

    | Mon 20 Nov 2017 8:10:45 #9 |
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    I'm also suffering random reboots or freezes on the latest firmware - usually I'm watching i-player,or one of the other internet based services, but not always - last night was live tv.

    | Tue 5 Dec 2017 12:21:10 #10 |

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