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New: Improved Search function

(1 post)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    Introduced with software version 1.02.13

    Improved Search function:

    As you type in characters 'search suggestions' will appear, when 3 or more characters are entered a 'search by ***(the characters you have so far entered) will appear above search suggestions.

    The more characters you enter, the better the results returned, 2 character searches may not return results you expected, but will return results for TV/Radio CH

    Highlighting either of these will display results obtained for On Demand, TV/Radio CH, Broadcast, Recordings, and More (eg YouTube)


    1. Search suggestions are derived from IP search of Freeview servers hence there has to be IP content for results to be returned.

    2. You can enter characters via the on screen display or using keys on the remote, the back key will delete the last character entered. The Search button will also act as 'search by' or OK in the search field.

    3. Some apps may not return results due to their policy.

    There are a couple of outstanding issues yet to be resolved:

    a. Search with numerics only.

    b. A search with no results returned - pressing back key dismisses search function.

    | Thu 20 Apr 2017 15:16:29 #1 |

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