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New replacement for HDR FOX T2

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    Hi everyone, well i have had many years of being really happy with my HDR FOX T2 but the time has come to need a new box, although not really sure at the moment whats out there thats similar?

    I would probably want to stick with humax, but i need the box to pretty much just do what the HDR FOX T2 did, i dont mind if it has smart apps on and if it connects to the internet but this isn't a must, i just assume most probably will have this now.

    I would probably need at least a 500gb, probably a 1tb drive, but i just need it to connect to freeview HD and to record, do any new boxes record more than 2 things at a time? again i know the HDR FOX T2 records 2 at a time, if its still only 2 then thats ok i guess, more would be nice though.

    I have heard of some having 2 tuners, would these be ones that record more than 2 things? if so how does that work, do you just still connect the 1 aerial socket but it duplicates the signal or something?



    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 1:20:08 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Options for units with 500GB or over and same/similar functions as HDR T2

    HDR 2000T - same user interface - 500GB and 1TB models available

    FVP 4000T - Different user interface, 3 tuners can record 4 and watch a fifth channel depending on muxes - 500GB, 1TB and 2TB models available.

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 7:53:29 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    james_uk - 15 hours ago  » 
    Hi everyone, well i have had many years of being really happy with my HDR FOX T2 but the time has come to need a new box, although not really sure at the moment whats out there thats similar?

    Could I ask why you want a new box rather than continuing with the HDR-FOX T2?

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 16:52:28 #3 |
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    In my experience I would stick with the HDR-FOX T2. I ditched Sky and tried a new Humax 1100s but the user interface was poor and buggy and my box was also unreliable and kept rebooting so had to go back. After a lot more review reading and help from users on here, I bought a used HDR-FOX T2 and liked it so much I bought another one! I fitted a 2Tb HDD to the main one, and both boxes have run perfectly. The operating system is good anyway but the option to add the custom firmware makes this the best PVR I've come across. Rather than sell your box, get another one. You've then got 4 tuners and more disc space.

    | Sun 23 Apr 2017 10:56:13 #4 |
  5. black knight

    black knight

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    Can't speak for the FVP 4000T (although I don't really hear good things), but do NOT get a 2000T.

    There are a multitude of problems with the 2000T that Humax don't seem to want to bother fixing, so I really wouldn't waste your money on one.

    FWIW, I've just bought a second hand HDR Fox T2, to REPLACE my 2000T! Simply fed up of loss of signal on recordings and losing sound through HDMI when every other bit of kit works fine.

    | Tue 2 May 2017 15:19:54 #5 |
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    I too bought a fvp 4000t, after having a Foxt2 for years. Humax must have thought, lets make the 4000t as complicated as possible. I went on Ebay and bought another foxt2, and it so user friendly it is unbelievable. It only has two tuners,but that is not a problem for me.For instance 'press guide for EPG-press yellow for instant schedule-press media for your recorded list. It even has slow motion. Humax products get poor ratings now on Amazon.

    | Sat 2 Sep 2017 14:18:25 #6 |
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    On this subject although it might be nobody will read my post... I've got three Fox HDR-T2 which I like to use for things like sharing videos and so on. Mine have been firmwared and run 2TB drives, and I have a wired network. I particularly like using the USB decode thing with foxy and whatnot. I am considering an upgrade to something newer and wonder if it would actually be an upgrade anyway? Would I be able to stream from the box in the lounge to the box in the bedroom if one or other was a 4000T? Does a 1100Sat thingy play nicely with a 4000T and an 1100?

    | Sun 17 Sep 2017 21:44:18 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Nothing will be as capable as your HDR-FOX-T2's. You should install the Custom Firmware on all 3 of them. Can't discuss Foxy here except to say that the CF makes it redundant.

    Basically you have a 6 tuner setup with each box capable of viewing both the other boxes recordings.

    | Mon 18 Sep 2017 9:07:14 #8 |

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