My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

New software version 1.03.12 ~ OTA date

(115 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Provisional until it appears on DTG Website, but thought users might like heads up.

    New HDR T2 software version 1.03.12

    OTA 02:00am Thu 27 Feb - 09:00am Fri 28 Feb

    Release note as follows:
    • Portal upgrade
    • iPlayer Version 3 (supports subtitles)
    • Supports BBC News & Sports Apps (to be released March 2014)
    • Resolved recordings failures (using Padding) when in standby for over 8 days
    • Resolved BBC Three and Four HD recording issues
    • Improved WiFi connection issues causing reboot
    • Improved errors during EPG FIND results

    A few repeat broadcasts have been provisionally scheduled, but as these have changed 3 times in as many days will publish nearer the date(s)


    As the DTG has now been updated

    Repeat is scheduled 02:00am Thu 06 Mar - 09:00am Fri 07 Mar

    There are a further 4 repeats provisionally scheduled for March.

    | Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:34:11 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Barry there are reports that the 1.03.xx firmware will format drives bigger than 1TB; do you know if this is correct? Are there any plans to provide a similar version for the HD-FOX T2?

    | Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:52:23 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Not tried a larger HDD myself and it has not been mentioned in any release notes I have been made aware of. Will ask Humax Towers In next telcon.

    No news on HD T2 version, but have mentioned it to them.

    | Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:59:16 #3 |
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    Joined: Dec '11
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    Will it be made available as a PC download, so that we can install via USB memory stick.

    | Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:14:28 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    HarveyB - 8 minutes ago  » 
    Will it be made available as a PC download, so that we can install via USB memory stick.

    Not initially.

    | Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:26:50 #5 |
  6. chrisdaniels


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    Cheers Barry

    | Mon 24 Feb 2014 20:38:48 #6 |
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    Joined: Dec '13
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    I hope there are plans to do the update as well for the HD boxes since owners now have the issue of the iPlayer radio not working.

    One for Barry, the newer boxes for Youview, do they run on the same browser as 1.03.xx so we might one day see ITV player, 4 on Demand and Five ported. Pushing my luck here.

    | Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:44:00 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    The players that are on YouView were built specially for that platform.

    | Tue 25 Feb 2014 9:14:58 #8 |
  9. chrisdaniels


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    @Tell, I can tell you that: No. YouView is completley different OS. IIRC The apps on YouView are made with Adobe Air.

    It is up to the broadcasters to port their own On-Demand (OD) players, unless they specifically ask Humax.
    As you know, there are rumours around YouView investments coming to an end in April, so hopefully the other broadcasters will finally invest some cash in building OD players that are compatible with the Humax HD & HDR, but this will probably take at least 6 months..

    I think they will want to go the mheg-ic route like the BBC have started to do to both future proof themselves and also have the opportunity of presenting a red button on their channel. No one likes being limited to a portal page that they can't link to.

    In other words, i don't think its gonna happen for our boxes..

    | Tue 25 Feb 2014 9:32:14 #9 |
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    Pardon my ignorance, but why would MHEG-IC be a no-no for Fox T2 boxes?

    I don't currently have a Fox T2 but it's on my shortlist.

    | Tue 25 Feb 2014 10:13:41 #10 |

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