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New to Humax HDR-2000T

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    I have just got a Humax HDR-2000T as our old Logik L1HSTB12 developed a fault with no sound no matter which connections I used. Is it possible to transfer the thirty unwatched recordings I have on the old machines drive to the new machine some how?


    | Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:48:10 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to our Forum. You can certainly upload suitable video files to a HDR-2000T. Whether you can download or extract recordings from your Logik pvr you would need to ask on a forum with threads supporting this box. Chances of finding a member here that has any experience of using a Logik L1HSTB12 is pretty slim.

    | Sun 12 Nov 2017 9:51:01 #2 |
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    warmbells - 12 hours ago  » 
    I have just got a Humax HDR-2000T as our old Logik L1HSTB12 developed a fault with no sound no matter which connections I used. Is it possible to transfer the thirty unwatched recordings I have on the old machines drive to the new machine some how?

    The Logik L1HSTB12 is a Vestel T7650 clone. I use a T7655 for some programmes which in a lot of ways is similar to the T7650.
    Vestel tend to have incremental changes for new models rather than a total re-write. What this means is that the HDD is very likely to be ext formatted and SD recordings can probably be extracted using Linux. a Linux Live CD, or even Ext2Fsd.
    For a forum that focuses on Vestel there is the Digihome sub-forum on digital spy

    HD recordings will be encrypted and so it should be impossible to do anything with them after extraction. Are your 30 recordings all no-HD?

    There was bug on the T7650 concerning sound which was corrected in software version 1.54. If you are on 1.49 or earlier have you tried switching to a live HD channel and then putting the recorder into standby and then wake it up again?

    | Sun 12 Nov 2017 12:26:16 #3 |
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    Hi, I am a new user of the HUMAX HDR-2000T, and I have one very basic question : The Audio L and R sockets on the back ..... are these OUTPUT sockets or INPUT sockets ? If they are OUTPUT sockets, I am hoping I can use them to hook up to a soundbar, as my LG TV doesn't have any suitable output sockets itself. Cheers. Roger.

    | Thu 4 Jan 2018 12:42:25 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    rogojo - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have one very basic question : The Audio L and R sockets on the back ..... are these OUTPUT sockets or INPUT sockets ?

    They are output sockets.

    | Thu 4 Jan 2018 15:22:59 #5 |
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    Many thanks. One further simple question : when setting up my Humax, I intend to plug in an Ethernet cable between my Humax and my router. So do I also need to plug in the USB dongle to the Humax ?

    | Sun 7 Jan 2018 13:17:19 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    rogojo - 1 minute ago  » 
    Many thanks. One further simple question : when setting up my Humax, I intend to plug in an Ethernet cable between my Humax and my router. So do I also need to plug in the USB dongle to the Humax ?

    No need to use the USB Dongle if connecting with Ethernet cable.

    | Sun 7 Jan 2018 13:19:57 #7 |
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    junior member
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    Many thanks.

    | Tue 9 Jan 2018 13:40:43 #8 |

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