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newbie help with internet on humax

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    new member
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    Hi thanks for the add to the site.
    Ive just got an internet connection to my foxsat hdr and i am managing to get iplayers bbc and itv ,is that all you can receive i was under the impression that it would be possible to get you tube etc ?

    Thanks for your help.

    | Sat 27 Apr 2013 13:11:12 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    To get Youtube you need the new G2 <freetime> HDR1000/1010S box. Only iplayer and itv player on the Foxsat-hdr.

    Welcome to the forum

    | Sat 27 Apr 2013 13:54:33 #2 |
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    Oh well never mind .
    thanks Graham.

    | Sat 27 Apr 2013 20:11:22 #3 |
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    One more question Graham , was is this raydons firmware bundle and would it benefit me using a foxsat HDR ?


    | Sun 28 Apr 2013 3:45:03 #4 |
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    The custom firmware bundle adds a wide range of functions to the HDR. You can access the HDR from other networked devices (including over the Internet).

    Amongst other things this allows you to:

    Browse your recorded programs and delete or rename them.
    Review your recording schedule and add or remove items.
    Create custom channel lists for use by the custom firmware.
    Search the EPG (titles and descriptions) for more or less any text.
    Automatically search the EPG (titles and descriptions) daily or weekly and send an email of the results.
    Manipulate the non-freesat channels into the HDR list without switching modes.
    Use a pseudo-remote control on a networked laptop/tablet/smart phone.
    Run the HDR as a media server to distribute recorded progammes to other networked devices.
    Mount disks on other networked devices (e.g. NAS) as if they were plugged into the USB on the HDR.
    Copy files on to and off the HDR for backup/archive using FTP or SMB.
    Check the HDR hard disk for errors.

    Not part of the bundle, but associated with it is a patch which can be useful if you record in HD.

    It all requires a little effort to get working but if any of the above sound interesting, it's well worth a play and you can remove it easily enough.

    | Sun 28 Apr 2013 8:22:35 #5 |
  6. gomezz


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    Raydon's firmware bundle offers many useful benefits (recording the Red Button stream being the main one for me) but it does not give you access to the other online content like youtube you are after.

    | Sun 28 Apr 2013 8:22:40 #6 |
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    Really appreciate the reply Gomezz and dino I'll check your links out


    | Mon 29 Apr 2013 0:45:51 #7 |
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    new member
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    thanks i found this useful as i have just bought a foxsat hdr

    | Thu 18 Jul 2013 19:37:03 #8 |

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