My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Newbie questions!

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    new member
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    Posts: 4


    Hi, I’ve recently “upgraded” from a Fox T2 to a fvp 4000t

    I’ve a couple of questions that I can’t seem to find the answer to.

    1, In recordings, can I create folders like I could in the T2? ie 1 for films and 1 for music? I’ve got the 2tb version, so I planned to keep a selection of films and gigs. At the moment, there’s just 1 messy list of recordings.

    2, whist in guide. I don’t seem to be able to look at info for a program that is currently broadcasting, if I press ok it just changes over to that channel and I have to go back to guide and start again ????

    | Sat 8 Sep 2018 14:39:00 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum

    1. No you cannot create folders

    2. Highlighting programme and pressing Ok should give info (this was changed in a recent software update)

    What software version is currently on your unit?

    | Sat 8 Sep 2018 15:32:31 #2 |
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    Cheers Barry, thanks for having me!

    2, I thought it was auto updating but I can confirm it was not.
    Updated now to the latest software and that has sorted my info/guide issue.

    1, That’s disappointing. Hopefully they’ll address this in a future update.
    I did notice though that the recordings list with the update is a bit better as there’s a choice of grid or list, also the grid has smaller boxes, so more on a page and less scrolling.

    Thanks again ☺️

    | Sat 8 Sep 2018 16:03:02 #3 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 4


    So... over a year later!
    I now have an even longer list of recordings that I have to scroll through to get to what I want.
    It’s incredibly frustrating that a simple thing of being able to add folders has not been added to the software

    | Thu 7 Nov 2019 22:13:45 #4 |

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