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No audio on copied recordings

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    Joined: Oct '15
    Posts: 16


    Hi, I've just copied a number of recordings from my HDR-2000T onto a USB memory stick. When I plug the stick into my PC I see four files related to each recording, namely .hmt, .nts, .thm and .ts.

    It's clear the .ts file is the video component. It plays in Windows Media Player but with no audio. The next largest size file is the .nts and I'm wondering if this is the audio component and if so what kind of audio format.

    If anyone can shed any light on these files and in particular how I can access the audio I should be most grateful.

    | Mon 4 Apr 2022 21:42:25 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    gallopinhairpin - 44 mins ago  » 
    If anyone can shed any light on these files and in particular how I can access the audio I should be most grateful.

    The .ts file holds the broadcast stream (slightly modified by the addition of a timestamp) so the audio and video are both in the .ts file. I suggest you start by trying a different player; VLC works for me. You should then get video and audio and if you do then you will probably need to add CODECS to Media player to get the audio working.

    | Mon 4 Apr 2022 22:30:57 #2 |
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    Joined: Oct '15
    Posts: 16


    Thanks for your response. Using Mediainfo I've found the audio is AAC and I've actually been able to open and play the .ts file in my video editor (I didn't expect that to work as it has a reputation for being a bit picky where audio is concerned).

    I now realise I really should have checked that out before posting :oops:. Anyway all sorted now. Thanks again.

    | Tue 5 Apr 2022 16:33:12 #3 |

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