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No BBC Teletext access via DTRT1000

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    I have owned a DTRT1000 for some time now and I have made frequent use of the TEXT button on my remote to access the BBC Teletext service. For the last few weeks this access has been lost.
    I can access the service on the TV direct so the service is still available.
    I have tried re-tuning the box.
    I have tried turning the box off/on

    Any other suggestions would be welcomed.....

    | Mon 15 Aug 2016 12:00:36 #1 |
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    Same problem here on my DTR-T2000, i.e. no telext anymore on BBC1 or BBC2, (SD or HD).

    I've also tried the following:

    1) It's not the service as I have another Humax older PVR that works fine on BBC1 & BBC2 teletext.
    2) It's not the remote control 'text' button as pressing it lights the PVR button.
    3) I tried switching the unit off and on again and still no joy.
    4) I tried a reset to factory defaults, (which includes a re-tune), and still no joy.

    I guess either the unit's faulty or, (more likely...), the text function has been killed by a recent update, (my unit's set for auto-updates and is up to date).

    Anyone got any suggestions?

    | Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:04:48 #2 |
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    This is a known result of the August 2016 V26 update. There has been some discussion on the youview community forum.

    According to the BBC Q&As (Question 4) for the connected red button and button+, the version you are referring to was never available on youview!

    I'm wondering of that misunderstanding was the reason that it has disappeared from easy access.

    Someone has spotted that it is still available though but not through a TV channel. Use the red button on a BBC radio station and from there select the full index (199).

    Or via channel 200 there is this method

    | Sun 21 Aug 2016 17:45:14 #3 |
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    Thanks for the helpful reply. As you say, it is still possible to access the still quite useful teletext service, (especially if you have rubbish broadband), but only via various methods, some more tortuous than others - I guess that's progress...

    So basically the 'Text' button on my controller is now more or less redundant... Perhaps it can be converted into a 'Back' button...

    | Sun 21 Aug 2016 21:19:23 #4 |
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    Thanks for the explanation is nearly as good as a solution, at least I don't need to spend any more time on it....maybe a future update will sort it out.

    | Thu 25 Aug 2016 11:56:18 #5 |

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