My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

No pause or record live

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    Hi.I am now desperate as I am on my 3rd FVP 4000T (refurb) box in as many weeks.Same problem on all three boxes; cannot pause or record live TV,also planned recordings do not work.
    When I reported box 1 I was asked to go into' Settings-PVR Settings-scroll down,was unable to scroll down from the highlighted Remote Recordings. I was then told the hard drive was at fault and the box would be replaced. By the way the box did work ok for a few hours.
    Box 2 arrived and same problem,rang helpline and I was told that it was impossible to have 2 faulty boxes so a new remote was eventually sent and this did not work.I rang and I decided to get my money back and arranged for pickup .A new box arrived so we thought we would try it out as we do like the options on the FVP4000T.Gess what ,it worked for a few minutes on pause and other functions but then the dreaded message,"The function does not work while retrieving data for time shift buffer ". Please help

    | Tue 9 May 2017 7:34:17 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    You cannot immediately pause or rewind live TV when initially changing to or viewing a channel - it takes a few seconds, approx 20 to buffer the contents.

    | Tue 9 May 2017 10:17:38 #2 |
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    Many thanks for the welcome Barry. I have tried that and given much more time before trying.The planned recordings appear to record and show in the library but after a short while they just disappear.Can pause on catch-up. I haven't got the patience to contact Humax as the young chap is quite abrupt.

    | Tue 9 May 2017 11:30:15 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    What software version is currently on your unit?

    Home, Settings, System Settings, System Information.

    | Tue 9 May 2017 12:24:16 #4 |
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    Hi Barry
    The software version is UKTFAE 1.01.57



    | Tue 9 May 2017 17:39:14 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    blackrose - 13 hours ago  » 
    Hi Barry
    The software version is UKTFAE 1.01.57


    There is a later version which you can apply via a usb pendrive or wait for IP download which maybe available to all soon.

    Can you clarify, is it your recordings that are disappearing or the scheduled timers list?

    | Wed 10 May 2017 7:12:52 #6 |
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    I'll add to this topic as I have exactly the same issue.

    Like blackrose I'm on my third FVP 4000T 500Gb box. Each one has shown the same problems.

    When the box arrived it set-up successfully. The pause and record live TV worked when first installed. I also noticed that the box reported 99 hrs available for HD recordings.

    On the latest box I made 3 successful recordings, then a scheduled recording failed leaving a record of a 1 min recording that won't play back ("invalid file format"). The box now reports 0 hrs available for recording. I can also hear it going through repeated cycles to start-up the hard disk. Presumably some parameter has got corrupted effectively disabling the hard disk.

    I've tried re-setting to factory default settings and reformat the hard disk, this worked once(on the third device) but today hasn't been successful on the same box.

    The boxes each arrived with software release 1.01.57. The problem started with 1.01.57 and isn't fixed when I upgrade to 1.02.13.

    The one time successful re-set to factory default and fact that its repeats for each new device suggests that its probably a software problem and since the box must work for some people is specific to my use.

    I'm in a strong signal area, but only 91% signal strength so I doubt that is the cause.

    I live between two transmitters, the device is finding 170 channels(140 TV, 30 radio), don't know if that has an impact.

    Unless Humax have a fix for this I'll have to return as not fit for purpose sold.


    | Mon 15 May 2017 21:48:21 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    A bit more info....

    Can you check the power supplies, they should be rated at 2.5A

    If not, can you confirm you are using the power supply included with unit, and what the rating is.

    | Thu 18 May 2017 10:05:23 #8 |
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    Hi Barry,

    I'm using the power supply that came with the first refurbished unit. The details are:

    Model number: SH1215WWSA
    DC Output 12V , 1.5A, 18W Max
    AC Input 100-240V, 0.9A

    Has a batch of refurbished units gone out with the wrong power supply?


    | Sat 20 May 2017 16:31:48 #9 |
  10. Barry


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    McTrotter - 2 hours ago  » 
    Hi Barry,
    I'm using the power supply that came with the first refurbished unit. The details are:
    Model number: SH1215WWSA
    DC Output 12V , 1.5A, 18W Max
    AC Input 100-240V, 0.9A
    Has a batch of refurbished units gone out with the wrong power supply?


    Neil, thank you for response.

    No info on whether it is a batch problem, but yours is definitely wrong.

    Contact Humax Support for a replacement, I'll also advise Humax Towers on Monday.

    Edit 22/05 - Humax Towers confirm anyone who has incorrect PS to contact Support for replacement: 0344 318 8800

    | Sat 20 May 2017 18:38:09 #10 |

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