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No sound on BBC Olympics HD - Channel 114

(12 posts)
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    As title says, no sound when broadcasting. It timeshares with CBeebies HD, which has sound. Looking at other forums, it appears it is a problem on this particular PVR.

    | Sat 6 Aug 2016 9:11:56 #1 |
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    I noticed this the other day - I've just retuned to see if it helps but there doesn't seem to be anything on the channel at the moment but I'll have a look later when there's some broadcasts scheduled. Edit: I read elsewhere someone tried a full reset with no joy.

    | Sat 6 Aug 2016 9:45:03 #2 |
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    BlackGhost - 42 minutes ago  » 
    I read elsewhere someone tried a full reset with no joy.

    I suspect I've seen that post. The poster also stated that they lost all their recordings due to the reset.
    You could try a 'Factory Defaults' which will NOT delete recordings, but it will delete your recording schedule.

    Because their recordings were deleted it sounds that they are not describing a 'Factory Defaults' but what sounds more like a disk format.

    | Sat 6 Aug 2016 10:45:24 #3 |
  4. Stephenesque


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    I just tried mine and there is no sound on Channel 114 via the 4000T, but I do have sound if I view it directly from my Samsung TV, so it's definitely a Humax fault.

    | Sat 6 Aug 2016 23:17:49 #4 |
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    Mine's exactly the same, although sound available on 114 thru my Hisense set

    | Sun 7 Aug 2016 21:05:45 #5 |
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    Just found this on DS

    "I have a FVP400T too with the same problem. If you pause the channel and then press play, the audio is then ok."

    Have tried this and can confirm it works !!!

    | Sun 7 Aug 2016 21:10:10 #6 |
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    I was just watching channel 114 showing football without sound. I have found that if you want to watch it with sound just press the red button and then the blue button to choose the interactive channel that's showing the same thing. Its clearly a fault with the receiver. I get a split second of sound when I switch to the channel and then nothing

    | Sun 7 Aug 2016 23:48:47 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    I believe some users may have already contacted Humax support over this issue, I have highlighted to Humax Towers as well.

    | Mon 8 Aug 2016 7:15:12 #8 |
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    Phil1 - 7 hours ago  » 
    I was just watching channel 114 showing football without sound. I have found that if you want to watch it with sound just press the red button and then the blue button to choose the interactive channel that's showing the same thing. Its clearly a fault with the receiver. I get a split second of sound when I switch to the channel and then nothing

    The 608 channel which you switch to is very low quality visually. Has that got any redeming features over the other couple of work rounds?
    The other couple of work rounds are:
    (1) Record it and watch in chase play
    (2) The record variation where you watch the live channel but first pause the live channel for a few seconds (see post #6 just above yours).

    | Mon 8 Aug 2016 7:24:58 #9 |
  10. Barry


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    If members care to check later I'll think you will find this problem has now been fixed by the BBC ie not a Humax problem.

    | Thu 18 Aug 2016 9:28:46 #10 |

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