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No sound when turned on

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    Whenever I now turn my Humax on there is no sound and I have to turn it off and on at the mains to get any sound and I have to do this everytime I turn it on.Can anyone advise on what I can do.Thanks

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 9:15:00 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    blueman - 1 hour ago  » 
    Whenever I now turn my Humax on there is no sound and I have to turn it off and on at the mains to get any sound and I have to do this everytime I turn it on.Can anyone advise on what I can do

    What software version is your box using? There was a recent software update intended to fix this issue.

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 10:20:43 #2 |
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    Will check the software now and come back on here with the info.

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 11:03:07 #3 |
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    The software version is UKTFC1.01.18
    I did a search for for new software but none found.

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 11:12:57 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    blueman - 31 minutes ago  » 
    The software version is UKTFC1.01.18
    I did a search for for new software but none found.

    How did you search? Are you aware that Over the Air broadcasts of software updates have been discontinued? The latest version is 1.01.20 and the release notes say " HDMI No Sound Issue is fixed." so I think this would be worth you installing. Either connect the box to the Internet when it should (I think) find the update or download it from Let us know whether it fixes your proble.

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 11:47:21 #5 |
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    Thanks for the reply and no I did not know I could get my updates over the air.A couple of questions I tried to download the software and got this message after waiting foe about five minutes,This page isn't is currently unable to handle this request HTTP Error 500.I see I need to to install it onto a USB pen but it needs to be in Fat32 format.My box is not connected to the internet and have not got a long enough ethernet cable to reach from the router.Any ideas.Thanks again

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 13:11:10 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    blueman - 7 minutes ago  » 
    I tried to download the software and got this message after waiting foe about five minutes,This page isn't is currently unable to handle this request HTTP Error 500.

    Just tried and it downloaded for me almost instantly. I suggest you try again; if not send me a PM with your emaill address and I will send it to you.

    I see I need to to install it onto a USB pen but it needs to be in Fat32 format.

    Correct. Be careful about formatting a USB stick under Windows 10 as I suspect it may use a GUID style partition table which won't work on the Humax. I keep a small capacity old USB drive specifically for upgrades.

    My box is not connected to the internet and have not got a long enough ethernet cable to reach from the router.

    You could temporarily move the Humax to next to the router so you can use a short cable and leave it for a few hours.

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 13:23:54 #7 |
  8. Trev


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    blueman - 49 minutes ago  » 
    no I did not know I could get my updates over the air.A couple of questions I tried to download the software and got this me

    You can't

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 14:00:43 #8 |
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    My OS is Windows 7 and will tey and download it again

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 16:07:55 #9 |
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    I have just downloaded it and got the attached message.

    | Mon 6 Aug 2018 17:58:00 #10 |

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