My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

No sub-titles

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    Liz lobb

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    I have no sub-titles at all on my Humax HDR 2000T and being a lady of a certain age I need them! I have switched back to watch my normal TV set but then I miss rewind or fast forward. I have reinstalled all programmes with no luck even bought a new remote control but still nothing. Please can anyone help?

    | Sat 4 Feb 2023 22:08:15 #1 |
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    Joined: Feb '22
    Posts: 33


    I have an 1800T and they work for me.

    I press the Sub button near the top left of the remote. This brings up a message at the top of the screen and I press the button again to turn sub titles on or off.

    Hope this helps.

    | Sun 5 Feb 2023 12:53:39 #2 |
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    With the remotes that came with a new HDR-2000T, the subtitle button is on the bottom row on the left and marked "SUB".

    Although the HDR-1800T and HDR-2000T work identically, and with each other's remotes, their original remotes are different.

    | Sun 5 Feb 2023 14:33:29 #3 |
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    Liz lobb

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    Posts: 2


    I know where subtitle button is on my remote as I have repeatedly pressed it many times. In fact,I have I switched it on for most channels in the hope that the subtitles will appear soon. Thanks for your help though.

    | Wed 8 Feb 2023 14:53:08 #4 |

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