My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » YouView DTR-T


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    Even though my DTR-T2000 is not set to record, there often seems to be a noise from the unit, which has a pronounced "beat". If this happens during the night it wakes us up. Is this normal?

    | Thu 5 May 2016 10:18:46 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Posts: 946


    There is a 3am maintenance boot every night to check for software updates and channel changes.

    As for other times of day: Do you have the standby mode set in Low or High Eco mode? Low eco mode means it will not be entirely shut down allowing, for example, for remote timer setting from the mobile app.

    | Thu 5 May 2016 13:14:17 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Thanks gomezz.
    I reset it to "Energy Saver" mode (not called High or low Eco), and then after a short while the normal tv signal failed. By altering back to "Smart" setting the normal tv source now works.
    (Incidentally, the settings can only be accessed through the YouView system, and not through the box "Help" link)
    However all this does not explain why it is whirring at 10.00 this morning, and just about the whole day?
    Also there are no mobile apps set.
    I am now wondering if there is a bug in the whole thing and whether if a complete factory reset would be best?

    | Thu 5 May 2016 18:48:50 #3 |
  4. gomezz


    special member
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    It sounds like the disk is spinning during standby when not in deep sleep mode. Don't know if this is normal as I always use Energy Saver mode. One of the other consequences of doing this though is that is turns off RF aerial pass-through which is why the normal TV signal fails when you use it. You can use an RF splitter (passive or active) to avoid relying on RF pass-through and have Energy Save mode on in standby and so feeding the aerial signal to the TV bypassing the Youview box.

    | Thu 5 May 2016 21:51:06 #4 |

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