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'not connected to the internet' - help?!

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    new member
    Joined: May '13
    Posts: 1


    Hi everyone – brand new user here... please could you help me?

    I’ve had a Foxsat HDR for around 18mths with no problems. Now all of a sudden I’m unable to any On Demand channels as it says it’s not connected to the internet.

    I use a dLAN500AV+ Homeplug to connect to the internet. I’ve checked that this is working (by connecting it to my laptop). I’ve also updated the firmware for the Homeplug, using a different port on the Homeplug and a different Ethernet cable but nothing has worked.

    If I go to the Network Menu it gives an Ethernet ID, but all the other lines say When I try to configure the Ethernet nothing happens when I try to configure with DHCP. I have no idea how to go about doing this manually!

    Any suggestions? Yours hopefully!

    PS - I don’t really want to do a factory reset on the Foxsat box as I have programmes I want to get off the box (but haven’t worked out how to do this yet, that’s the next job ;)!)

    | Fri 24 May 2013 13:56:23 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,075


    Welcome to the Forum

    I would start with the factory reset, this will not affect recordings already saved to HDD, but will delete recording schedule, and reset any other user settings you have changed.

    | Sat 25 May 2013 8:45:38 #2 |


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 4,100


    I would try rebooting your router as well.

    | Sat 25 May 2013 9:47:48 #3 |

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