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not going into standby, v1.02.13

(17 posts)
  1. aciddad


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    I noticed a few days ago that my box had not gone into standby properly. The drive continued to run as though it was waiting to record (it wasn't). The box had been starting up as normal from being off overnight, so this was either a recent fault or something I had not noticed before. I did a factory reset but this did not clear the problem. Obviously the box is going into proper standby overnight. I'm wondering if this could be a bug in v1.02.13?


    | Fri 16 Jun 2017 9:18:54 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Mine definitely going into full standby, something I check regularly.

    | Fri 16 Jun 2017 9:38:30 #2 |
  3. aciddad


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    Thanks Barry.
    I used to but stopped some time ago having no reason to suspect a problem, so I have no idea when it started.
    Although I said the factory reset didn't help, it did shut down properly the first time after going through setup but not subsequently.
    I'll ask customer services for an opinon.


    | Fri 16 Jun 2017 11:26:41 #3 |
  4. aciddad


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    I've noticed that my box is running very hot(right hand side which is where the drive is I think).
    I'm running some tests to see how long it has to be on before it won't go into standby.


    | Sun 18 Jun 2017 12:34:47 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Do you have remote record enabled?

    If not...

    The default setting is unit should go into standby after 4 hours if no user interaction with it.

    | Sun 18 Jun 2017 13:05:00 #5 |
  6. aciddad


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    Hi Barry,
    No, and I don't have auto power down enabled.
    I said it was running very hot, although I was wrong about the drive being on the right hand side. But it is an overheating problem. I've rigged up a small fan to blow air into the right side vents and that has made a tremendous difference. Having gone into standby overnight the box is cool in the morning and the fan slows down the rate the temperature rises so that after more than seven hours it still goes into standby.
    No doubt the weather conditions aren't helping, but it's also possible my box has a lower than normal upper operating temperature threshold.
    I'm expecting a reply from customer services - they have been very helpful.


    | Mon 19 Jun 2017 14:39:19 #6 |
  7. aciddad


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    Humax customer services agree that it is most likely to be an overheating problem.
    It won't be possible to confirm until the ambient temperature cools down, but meanwhile the fan is doing a great job.


    | Wed 21 Jun 2017 13:50:01 #7 |
  8. aciddad


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    Well I spoke too soon. The box is now refusing to go into standby at all and Humax have decided it must be faulty, so are swapping it on Tuesday.
    This one had been great after the software updates, let's hope the replacement is better.
    I'm so glad I still have my trusty HDR FOX T2.


    | Sat 24 Jun 2017 14:02:37 #8 |
  9. aciddad


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    I got the replacement box. It seems quite new judging by the serial number and the downward facing leds. But it doesn't seem a great deal better. I gets very hot and then the drive doesn't shut down when I put it into standby.
    Has anyone else noticed the same problem. You dou have to wait about three minutes after powering down and listen carefully for the drive to stop.


    | Wed 28 Jun 2017 13:49:14 #9 |
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    Today I had a problem with the video output in that the picture was very dim akin to the picture behind the the text displays and text displays eg the guide only the text for the selected channel visible remainder nigh on invisible. The top of the box felt hotter than normal. I removed power for 30 mins and all OK after restoring power and subsequent re-boot.
    I will check if it is going into standby but i had'nt noticed

    | Mon 10 Jul 2017 16:04:46 #10 |

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