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not going into standby, v1.02.13

(17 posts)
  1. Barry


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    aciddad - 1 week ago  » 
    I got the replacement box. It seems quite new judging by the serial number and the downward facing leds. But it doesn't seem a great deal better. I gets very hot and then the drive doesn't shut down when I put it into standby.
    Has anyone else noticed the same problem. You dou have to wait about three minutes after powering down and listen carefully for the drive to stop.

    Units never have shut down to full standby immediately.

    As per my FAQ it takes approx 1 min 47 secs, just timed one of my units again for confirmation.

    | Mon 10 Jul 2017 17:18:40 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    No different to other Humax units. For instance on Linux systems if you have deleted a lot of recordings it can take quite a long time to service the deletions. The unit will go into standby with no video or audio output but will not go into full sby for quite a long time as the content is deleted in the background. 10-15 mins is not unusual. Try deleting a lot of content and watch how long it takes for the disk space to be recovered,

    | Mon 10 Jul 2017 17:36:13 #12 |
  3. aciddad


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    I've been talking to customer services and they are passing the problem to the technical people, since the problem is on two boxes, different hardware but same software.


    | Tue 11 Jul 2017 15:06:09 #13 |
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    Today at around about 1.00 pm I switched ON and the LED turned to blue but there was no output to the TV. I checked it to the kitchen TV and it had a blank screen and no sound (if there is no signal to this TV it has a blue screen and a no signal message displayed)
    I powered OFF & ON and the 4000T rebooted OK now looks OK.
    I checked the temperature of the box and it felt hot so it looks as though it had not gone to standby (I had not used it since the previous evening and feel sure I put in in standby but in any case I have auto power down selected.
    Added to this it yesterday failed to record on BBC 2 "The Beachgrove" at 8.45 in the morning. When I tried to watch it in the evening it came up with a message on screen in Yellow "failed to record due to .......",(on screen for too short a time to take in whole message,) and shows the program detail with a time bar indicating duration of o.oo.
    I have seen this message flash on in the past but the programme had recorded OK
    I had a program scheduled for today at 1.00 pm and that failed to record.
    I will try to make a regular check of the box temperature but it is getting lower down on my priority list, I have mushrooms to stuff

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 13:24:20 #14 |
  5. aciddad


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    This will be my last post unless Humax manage to come up with a solution. I have been using a led plugged into the usb port to show when the box is in standby (no usb power). I have extensively tested each version of software (1.01.49, 1.01.57, 1.02.05, 1.02.07 and 1.02.13), and I am getting the same problem with all of the 1.02.xx versions. Of course they all have other problems as well which 1.02.13 fixed (almost). So that I can have a working box I am now running 1.01.57 without the internet of course.
    I have been emailing all of my findings to customer services and the guy I have been talking to has been very helpful but it is down to the development team to sort it and who knows if that will ever happen.

    redmic, my problem is not due to temperature (I rigged up a fan running from the usb port), so I don't think your problems are related to mine. I would guess your box may be faulty. I'm on my third!


    | Tue 25 Jul 2017 15:31:23 #15 |
  6. Barry


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    I've no idea why you are having standby problems and others not eg me.

    I have portable usb HDD with LED indicators connected to both my units and they definitely are shutting down to full standby.

    | Tue 25 Jul 2017 16:03:01 #16 |
  7. aciddad


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    Just for information, customer support have told me that the drive not shutting down may be normal operation. I think we both know that is not the case.


    | Fri 28 Jul 2017 9:21:32 #17 |

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