My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

not recording from standby and no pass through

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    Posts: 9


    I found that my 1800t was not recording programmes that I had selected in the schedule while in standby (red). After selecting I could go through the Guide and see the clock symbol but when I later looked in Media there was no sign of them.
    On looking on forums I found several references to this behaviour and some suggestions. So I have attempted to follow them before posting.
    1]I wondered whether the software was up to date so I set it searching. This resulted in the version date going from 14 June to 27 June.(uktfac 1.00.25). I could not find a reference to software on the Humax website so cannot be sure this is the latest version.

    2 There was a reference to being incorrectly tuned into two transmitters. So I recorded the numbers from the Tacolneston transmitter (10km from our house). Those channel numbers given on matched what was set on the 1800t, with the exception of the L-NOR group which was missing (57). So I presume my 1800T is correctly tuned (ignoring the + and – signs)
    3 When I installed the 1800t I read about it having to be on for the aerial signal to pass through it. So I put a split in the aerial cable and fed the 1800T and the TV separately. This resulted in the signal strength being shown as 49%, quality 100%. Thinking this to be the cause I removed the split and fed the tv signal via the 1800T. Turns out that the 1800T needs to be on (blue) for the signal to pass through the 1800t.

    4 Today I did a test
    7.30am Set a programme being broadcast at 1.30 to be recorded – observed symbol in schedule
    After 7.30 Put 1800t in standby (red)
    13.50pm Checked to see if there was any sign of programme – nothing recorded
    14.10 Set unit to record programme at 14.15 – left unit in on state(blue)
    14.13 Light changed from blue to red
    14.20 Checked and observed programme was being recorded.

    HD says disc 83% empty

    This is not what the behaviour I expect from a Humax digital recorder. I used to sing the praises of my 9200.

    Besides missing recordings I unhappy about the lack of a link between the in and out aerial sockets when in stand by

    I am most willing to try other tests and to report outcomes. Hopefully all of this can be solved.

    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 14:13:01 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    Whilst recording in standby is a known issue, loop thru should work on this unit with power saving in standby off.

    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 14:45:38 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Posts: 9


    Thank you - switched power saving off and that has solved that issue.

    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 17:43:04 #3 |

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