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Notice. Please wait for receiving broadcast information.

(24 posts)
  1. Barry


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    Sorry I missed the question put to me in this one.

    The simple answer is I have no idea why the notice pops up, but it is not perculiar to V15, have seen it myself on V13, not as often grant you.

    | Mon 30 May 2011 15:06:34 #11 |
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    I used to get this (very) occasionally, but nowhere like the frequency since I updated to V15. Strange that the update still hasn't been announced on the DTG Downloads website - I wonder if Humax have pulled V15.

    | Tue 31 May 2011 15:51:51 #12 |
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    Hi All,

    I have two identical HDRs fed from the same multi-output LNB. Since upgrading one of them to V15 OTA last week, I now get the 'Notice. Please wait for receiving broadcast information.' message every single time time I access the guide to set up recordings or a 'watch' even if on exiting the guide, I immediately access it again. It takes 50 seconds each time before it goes away.
    The second box, still with V13 does not do this and although it says 'Receiving Programme Information...' at the top of the screen,(which remains for 32 seconds) I can still click on the programmes in the guide and set them up as I used to do on the first box before the upgrade.
    So this very annoying and frustrating change is in the V15 upgrade.
    I have emailed Humax to complain, but have of course had no response.

    | Fri 10 Jun 2011 17:13:11 #13 |
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    I have the same problem.

    To record via the guide I now press the record button on the remote rather than the Ok button.

    Pressing the Ok button gives the "Receiving Programme info".

    | Fri 10 Jun 2011 19:26:12 #14 |
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    Hello All,

    After 18 mths of nigh on perfect functioning, our Humax HDR has just started doing exactly the same thing. First time was about one week ago on (I think) Film 4, now it's doing it regularly on virtually all channels. Yesterday (june 10th) was very bad - did it on all channels except BBC1... but as soon as I finally got it to give me the usual pop up with the three choices of Watch, Record or Record Whole Series on BBC1 when I cancelled that and went back to the other channels then the EPG was working for them as well.

    To be clear....
    1) No, I've changed nothing since the last time it was working fine.
    2) The weather was good.
    3) My signal strength and quality both said 100%.
    4) I've not touched my dish.
    5) No-one has just put up any large structures in the direction my dish is pointing.
    6) Same problem day and night.
    7) It's not a matter of seconds. No I haven't stop-watched it because I don't need the second hand on the clock to measure how much of my time it's wasting, I need the minute hand.

    Please can posters stop referring to the V15 "upgrade" because it has clearly been the V15 downgrade.

    | Sat 11 Jun 2011 5:30:36 #15 |


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    Try one of Barry's old suggestions for slow Guide. Try a freesat tune (no need to save results).
    Then enter the Guide and time when channel sound comes on - it does vary a bit but normally is between 28-42 Secs.

    | Sat 11 Jun 2011 6:57:22 #16 |
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    DavidL - 2 hours ago  » 
    Please can posters stop referring to the V15 "upgrade" because it has clearly been the V15 downgrade.


    | Sat 11 Jun 2011 8:30:38 #17 |
  8. gomezz


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    Not agreed. While the behaviour has changed you can still get instant access to the cached EPG (press Schedule then Red), you can still set a timer in the current EPG while it is still being downloaded with only a few seconds delay (by pressing Record rather than OK) and you do not now risk upcoming recordings failing because of a power interruption.

    While the UI in general is a badly thought out POS the functionality is there.

    | Sat 11 Jun 2011 10:21:47 #18 |
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    You shouldn't have to find a 'work around' after a so called upgrade to make a timed recording on a HDR. It should provide the functionality as intended without this irritating 'bug'.

    How does one set a 'watch' now without waiting each time for around a minute for the notice to go away, is there yet another 'work around'?

    Can anyone tell me how I get back to V13?

    By the way, still no response from Humax to my email of course!

    | Sat 18 Jun 2011 8:17:32 #19 |
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    I have 2 of these machines and both have started this anoying bug. I have 100% signal strength and 90% quality as always.
    It is obviously a software BUg and hopefully Humax will sort it soon. Meanwhile the quickest way around this is to press skip back once 15,30 or whatever seconds you have set, but only once will do and then guide and then wonder of wonders no problem....

    | Mon 20 Jun 2011 22:10:12 #20 |

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