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Numerous Questions before buying a 5000t

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    Hello everyone,

    This is my first time posting on here

    I currently have a Humax 9300t, which I've had since 2011 which I have loved, it's sadly giving up on me though so I have decided to buy a Humax 5000t, after reading many reviews it seems to be the best out there.

    After reading so many reviews I have learnt a lot about the 5000t but still have quite a few questions so I thought there was no better place to ask than here. I'll number them so if people only want/can answer one then they can do so without having to explain which question they're answering as they can just put the number before their reply. Hopefully that makes sense.

    1- Can you change the background to the EPG? I know people have complained it's hard to read.

    2- How many pre-scheduled recording can you set up? On my current 9300t it's 50.

    3- It is possible to read programme information about future programmes? I like to set up my recordings a week in advance. On the 9300t you just push the 'i' button but I can't see one on the remote for the 5000t.

    4- I read one review which said if you have a series on series link and watch and delete an episode it will then record any repeated episode of that programme- it this correct?

    5- If I delete a series link am I right in thinking it doesn't affect any recorded programmes?

    6- Does it have over the air updates or do I need it connected to the internet?

    7- If there a way to not have it connected to wi-fi all the time but just put in the code when I want to use catch up?

    8- On my 9300t I can record two programmes at once. If I have one programme recording at 21:00-22:00 and one recording at 22:00-23:00 it'll always stops recording the first programme at 22:00 even though it hasn't finished and has two tuners, so I have been recording on +1 channels to avoid this clash happening. Is that just something that happens on the 9300t or does the 5000t have the same problem?

    9- Does it have BBC red button?

    10- Can you delete channels you don't use? I like to keep the epg as neat as possible so tend to delete all the channels which don't work/porn etc.

    11- When I currently turn on my TV and the 9300t is on it automatically goes straight to that on the screen- will the same apply to 5000t?

    Sorry for so many questions- hope you can help though

    | Sat 28 Jul 2018 8:55:49 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    You shoud read the FAQ thread for the 4000/5000T

    1 No way of altering the epg

    2 Not positively known but it's a large number, I have a 2TB box with around 60 recordings scheduled. One poster here found a physical limit of 1500 actual recordings. For most you would run out of hard disk space long before getting 1500 recordings

    3 See the FAQ's

    4 That would depend on the broadcaster using correct content reference identifiers, if the broadcaster assigns a different series CRID then no repeats will be recorded. Your 9300T works in exactly the same way as does any other Freeview+ recording kit.

    5 You are correct

    6 OTA updates are no longer transmitted for any boxes. Updates via the internet or downloaded to a usb memory stick

    7 In theory yes, in practice not a good idea as it will cripple some of the best features of the box. For instance you will have no backwards epg and will not be able to use the watch from the beginning option on BBC programmes that have already started

    8 The box can record up to 4 programmes at once across 3 multiplexes. As the main HD channels are on the same MUX. You can record Any Four from BBC 1-HD, BBC 2-HD, ITV-HD, Channel 4-HD and Channel 5-HD. You can also watch live (and set a reminder) for the 5th channel. When one of the recordings finishes you can even record the complete 5th programme by pushing the instant record button.

    9 Yes

    10 Yes

    11 A qualified Yes - Auto selection of HDMI ports uses a system known as CEC. It can be a pain particulary with kit from differing makers. If you are watching the TV when the box wakes up to record the TV will switch to the Humax input for a short period.

    Welcome to our Forum

    | Sat 28 Jul 2018 10:04:32 #2 |
  3. Stephenesque


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    Regarding Question 1, you are now able to turn off the transparent display so that the EPG is displayed with a black background.

    Menu > General Settings > On-screen Display > Transparent Background > Off

    | Sat 28 Jul 2018 10:35:15 #3 |
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    Thank you ever so much for all you help and answers- it's much appreciated

    For 8- does that mean it should record the end of a programme even if another one is due to start at the time of the 1st programme is finishing? It's just as I say with my 9300 I haven't found that to be the case which can be a bit annoying.

    11- My current box is linked up via HDMI so I plan on doing that for this new one too- should I use a new cable or will my current cable be OK?

    I also forgot to ask can you add a little bit of time to the start/end to certain recordings (like I can with my 9300)? I'll mainly be using the auto (where it senses the signals) but I find certain channels that doesn't work with so tend to put a few minutes at the start and end when using those channels.

    | Sat 28 Jul 2018 13:10:54 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Christina2018 - 48 minutes ago  » 
    Thank you ever so much for all you help and answers- it's much appreciated
    For 8- does that mean it should record the end of a programme even if another one is due to start at the time of the 1st programme is finishing? It's just as I say with my 9300 I haven't found that to be the case which can be a bit annoying.
    11- My current box is linked up via HDMI so I plan on doing that for this new one too- should I use a new cable or will my current cable be OK?
    I also forgot to ask can you add a little bit of time to the start/end to certain recordings (like I can with my 9300)? I'll mainly be using the auto (where it senses the signals) but I find certain channels that doesn't work with so tend to put a few minutes at the start and end when using those channels.

    Yes you can auto pad but generally it's better not to as adding padding stops the broadcaster adjusting the start and stop recording times to cater for deviations from the scheduled times.

    So provided the broadcaster gets it right you shouldn't have issues.

    Having more tuners means that there is less chance of a tuner being used for recording being required to make a recording on another channel before the first one has completed. Back to back recordings on the same channel always use the same tuner.

    You have the ability to add manual recordings with a repeat pattern for the channels you have issues with just like the earlier boxes.

    The HDMI cable you have should be fine however pretty sure there's one in the box the 5000T comes in.

    | Sat 28 Jul 2018 14:07:55 #5 |
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    Christina2018 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I also forgot to ask can you add a little bit of time to the start/end to certain recordings (like I can with my 9300)? I'll mainly be using the auto (where it senses the signals) but I find certain channels that doesn't work with so tend to put a few minutes at the start and end when using those channels.

    I don't know about the HDR-5000T but doing this the FVP-5000T may be more like the Humax HDR-2000T/1800T/HDR-FOX-T2 than the PVR-9300T. When you do what you describe on the PVR-9300T it retains the programme's name. On the Humax HDR-2000T/1800T/HDR-FOX-T2 recorders setting up timers with padding individually added in that manner and the recording ends up in the schedule with the name of the previous programme, plus the recording also ends up with one of the adjacent programme's name.

    Christina2018 - 6 hours ago  » 
    4- I read one review which said if you have a series on series link and watch and delete an episode it will then record any repeated episode of that programme- it this correct?

    According to the written standards what the freeview recorders should be doing is remembering which episodes have been recorded for a particular series link even if you have deleted a recorded episode. The Humax freeview HDR-2000T/1800T/HDR-FOX-T2 do that successfully and it works OK. Unfortunately I too have seen a report on a forum that this has been missed from the HDR-4000T/5000T.

    | Sat 28 Jul 2018 15:22:41 #6 |
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    BBC Four HD is on a different multi-plex Graham and is one of our favourite channels. If memory serves me correctly I think the C4+1 has also moved, channel 55 or 56 I think.

    I wish they had put BBC Four on the same multi-plex and shifted ITV up the spectrum. I reckon the only progs we are likely to watch on ITV this year and into next is 'Unforgotten' and 'Endeavour'.

    | Mon 30 Jul 2018 14:53:30 #7 |
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    grahamlthompson - 3 days ago
    Having more tuners means that there is less chance of a tuner being used for recording being required to make a recording on another channel before the first one has completed. Back to back recordings on the same channel always use the same tuner.

    That's interesting to know as with my 9300t even if I'm recording BBC1 19:00-20:00 and then BBC1 20:00-21:00 if the 19:00-20:00 programme actually finishes at 20:02 it'll always cut it off at 20:00 exactly as if it knows the tuner will be needed soon so just stops the recording even though the show hasn't finished.

    | Tue 31 Jul 2018 14:40:20 #8 |
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    Thanks everyone for all your help so far. I'll sure I'll have more questions when I get the new box too

    | Tue 31 Jul 2018 14:41:53 #9 |

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