My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

On Demand

(4 posts)
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    Joined: Aug '16
    Posts: 16


    One of the selling points of this and some other humaxes is the ON Demand feature. I am very disappointed iwith the fact that it does not recover many of the programs. This is because the access with the FVP4000T is limited to recent programs and even among those many are blocked for copyright reasons. It is aggravated by the fact that the FVP4000T only has HDMI which as part of its 'improvements' blocks access to programs because of copyright where earler forms of access are unable to block them. Anyone thinking of purchasing this box should try operating it before buying it. You may well find that an earlier model suits you better. I have to use my wife's 9300T quite often. Search by Genre is 'rest iof current day' only. The first indication of difficulty is that there is no INFO button and no logical way to get 'info' There is a way/s but it is very easily forgotten. Even the MENU button has been renamed 'HOME'.

    | Sat 27 Aug 2016 11:27:50 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    I'm mystified by parts of this post...

    Which on demand player(s) are you referring to?

    What programmes are blocked?

    Programme availability via the on demand player(s) is determined by the broadcaster(s) not Humax.

    | Sat 27 Aug 2016 16:06:44 #2 |
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    Joined: Aug '16
    Posts: 16


    Hi Barry,

    I am talking about the standard ON DEMAND feature on the FVP4000T and other recorders that requires connection to the internet. I understood that availability is determined by the Broadcasters rather than Humax but It is easy to assume that any recent program can be accessed this way only to find that some broadcasters do not make their programs available this way and even if they do it requires specific action to get access fo their channel. I also understood that HDMI was quite reasonably , invented partly or wholly to block recording and redistribution of copyright films and tv programmes only letting people watch them live.

    Please feel free to correct me.

    | Sat 27 Aug 2016 16:39:06 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


    special member
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    Brian9200T - 11 minutes ago  » 
    Hi Barry,
    I am talking about the standard ON DEMAND feature on the FVP4000T and other recorders that requires connection to the internet. I understood that availability is determined by the Broadcasters rather than Humax but It is easy to assume that any recent program can be accessed this way only to find that some broadcasters do not make their programs available this way and even if they do it requires specific action to get access fo their channel. I also understood that HDMI was quite reasonably , invented partly or wholly to block recording and redistribution of copyright films and tv programmes only letting people watch them live.
    Please feel free to correct me.

    Usually down to copyright distribution rights owned by the broadcaster for the specific platform. If the broadcaster does not make it available then there is nothing Humax and Freesat can do about it. HDMI HDCP protection has no bearing on this issue at all.

    | Sat 27 Aug 2016 16:53:38 #4 |

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