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On Demand query

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    Having upgraded to a new Humax box. I gave my daughter my old Foxsat HD so they can watch programmes in HD. Is it possible to still watch On Demand programmes such as Demand 5, 4, Netflix and Youtube on this Foxsat box. They can get ITV Hub but not showing the other on demand.

    | Sun 21 May 2017 14:15:42 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Only on demand left is ITV-Hub which may not last much longer. Originally BBC iplayer was supported but that stopped working a while ago.

    Probably best to just get a android device for on demand, unless they have an android smart phone or tablet. If so a Chromecast will cast from phone/tablet to a TV.

    | Sun 21 May 2017 14:27:38 #2 |
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    Many thanks for that Graham. Will tell them about Chromecast and hopefully they are successful.

    | Mon 22 May 2017 8:28:03 #3 |
  4. gomezz


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    I use Chromecast from my tablet for the odd bit of catch up but find it can be a bit iffy when watching live which is when I prefer to connect my laptop using a long HDMI cable and streaming to the second screen leaving the main laptop screen still free for me to use for other things.

    | Mon 22 May 2017 9:45:11 #4 |

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