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Our digital recorder is 1 week old and has frozen

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    The remote is working, the blue light is on, but it will neither turn off or allow us to view anything. How do we restore it? We have had it exactly one week!

    | Sun 13 Dec 2015 22:04:44 #1 |
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    Hi, have you tried turning it off at the mains plug for a couple of Minutes. this sometimes works if the box is frozen. If that don't work try leaving it unplugged over night.

    | Sun 13 Dec 2015 22:31:59 #2 |
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    We've turned it off several times, but still not working, even had to disconnect the ariel as the tv didn't have a signal either! Think I'm taking it back tomorrow.

    | Sun 13 Dec 2015 22:41:23 #3 |
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    Yes if have already done this, them the box must be faulty. I would take it back.

    | Sun 13 Dec 2015 22:47:46 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Myopicwitch - 56 minutes ago  » 
    The remote is working, the blue light is on, but it will neither turn off or allow us to view anything. How do we restore it? We have had it exactly one week!

    Welcome to our Forum

    Is the correct input selected on the TV?
    Do the buttons on the unit work?

    | Sun 13 Dec 2015 23:02:48 #5 |
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    Yes all set up correctly, been working well till we turned it on tonight. The remote lights up but it's not doing anything, tried the buttons on the unit but they're not working either. We've boxed it back up and I'll return it to the shop tomorrow.

    | Sun 13 Dec 2015 23:07:41 #6 |
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    Our one has done this a couple of times now, always when the box is recording something.

    Happened again Thusrday eve this week.

    Hopefully Humax are looking at these forums (they would be bloody stupid if they weren't) and will fix this problem in the next firmware update.

    | Sat 19 Dec 2015 8:01:46 #7 |

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