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out of index

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    Can any one help please. I connot acess any menus, the unit just reboots itself. I can change channels but out of index is shown on the screen cannot acess the recordings i have made the unit reboots itself.

    | Sat 25 Aug 2012 22:14:48 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    Bad news I'm afraid, from a previous post with same problem Humax Support advised it was not user repairable.

    Contact support, if within warranty they can offer a swap out or maybe a repair if you want to keep your recordings.

    | Sat 25 Aug 2012 22:31:09 #2 |
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    This following won't help fix the box, but might be useful in case you want to get hold of the recordings (at least the SD ones; encrypted HD recordings can only be played on the same box).... but both will probably invalidate the warranty so something to be aware of before you try:

    1. The recordings are stored on the internal hard disk of the Foxsat. You can remove this from the Foxsat and connect it to a computer, in order to copy the recording files to a computer (from where you can watch them, copy to a DVD etc.).


    2. It is the Humax-proprietary software on the box which is generating the error messages, since it is this software which interacts with the screen. Since the Humax software is evidently able to generate the error message, then it sounds like the underlying linux operating system is still running fine. So you may be able to install the custom firmware, which runs in parallel on this linux operating system and enables (amongst others) the recordings to be accessed via a computer and your home network. See here: ("Raydon’s Media and File Server Bundle for the Humax FoxsatHDR – Release 4")
    or here:

    | Sun 26 Aug 2012 6:50:25 #3 |
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    Thank you Barry and Partridge2 for your info
    My box is out of warranty, I will contact support if they can do a repair or maybe a out of waranty swop.
    Life goes on.


    | Sun 26 Aug 2012 8:32:33 #4 |
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    I had this problem and managed to fix it.
    In my case "out of index " was shown at numerous points on the screen when trying to access the menu.
    My fix was to download and install the latest software( 1.00.21) from the Humax site. Install as per the instructions on the site. As the install is part of the pre boot process this should work ok.

    You now need to perform a factory reset process without looking at the screen. What is essential is that you follow the correct sequence of pushing the buttons on the remote to do the factory reset.
    I managed to do it by having a second box on a separate hdmi TV input slot and by switching to the good input managed to follow the sequence to get to the factory reset option.
    I can confirm that it worked for me once the factory reset had been initiated.
    I do not have access to my Humax at present to work out the exact blind inputs required but can do so tomorrow or some other kind soul might be able to help you.

    Hope that this makes some sense and helps you

    kind regards

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 14:58:09 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    If successful, unit should reboot to initial setup

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 15:34:19 #6 |
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    :-)Than you Barry for you instruction spot on worked perfctly
    Use with the info from Aviator my Humax unit is up and running.
    Thanks again to you and the forum

    Best regards Tony555

    | Tue 28 Aug 2012 19:42:22 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    aviator - 1 day ago  » 
    I had this problem and managed to fix it.
    In my case "out of index " was shown at numerous points on the screen when trying to access the menu.
    My fix was to download and install the latest software( 1.00.21) from the Humax site. Install as per the instructions on the site. As the install is part of the pre boot process this should work ok.
    You now need to perform a factory reset process without looking at the screen. What is essential is that you follow the correct sequence of pushing the buttons on the remote to do the factory reset.
    I managed to do it by having a second box on a separate hdmi TV input slot and by switching to the good input managed to follow the sequence to get to the factory reset option.
    I can confirm that it worked for me once the factory reset had been initiated.
    I do not have access to my Humax at present to work out the exact blind inputs required but can do so tomorrow or some other kind soul might be able to help you.
    Hope that this makes some sense and helps you
    kind regards

    Nice spot Chris :-), I see you are a new member. Welcome to the forum. One to bookmark together with Barry's sequence of commands

    | Tue 28 Aug 2012 20:47:06 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    Yep well done and welcome Chris

    Chuffed that it worked for you Tony55.

    | Tue 28 Aug 2012 22:11:35 #9 |

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