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Picture freezing

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    Dave Dee

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    Hello all, got a 5000t tuned through a new 34 element log periodic aerial. Postcode checker tells me my best transmitter is Blackhill at 218 degrees. I get all the stations but everynight the picture freezes for a second. This happens 10-12 times a night just for a second. Signal strenth is 79-85% and quality is rock solid at 100%. I've manually tuned all the stations in after deleting the auto tune but it is still happenning. Now the odd thing is that I bought the Humax box to replace a Bt dtr 2110 which always worked perfectly, never any issues but since changing to the humax i have this picture issue. Does anyone have any advice??

    | Tue 24 Nov 2020 15:43:59 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dave Dee - 35 mins ago  » 
    Signal strenth is 79-85% and quality is rock solid at 100%.

    The signal strength isn't outrageously high but it could be worth trying a variable attenuator in the aerial feed to the Humax to get the signal down a few percent. The other common cause of picture disturbances is if the aerial cable and HDMI cable are in close proximity; best practice is to keep them as far apart as possible and gold standard is to use proper double shielded cables.

    | Tue 24 Nov 2020 16:23:29 #2 |
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    Dave Dee

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    Martin, thank you for your advice. Don't have double shielded cables however apart from the cable inside the wall all coax was replaced with new rg6. what I do have is a variable attenuator and I will attach to reduce the siganal. what sort of signal strength am I aiming for here? I thought that 79-85% would have been low enough. Once i've done that if there is no improvement I will look at replacing the cables.

    | Tue 24 Nov 2020 18:39:13 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dave Dee - 3 mins ago  » 
    Don't have double shielded cables however apart from the cable inside the wall all coax was replaced with new rg6. what I do have is a variable attenuator and I will attach to reduce the siganal. what sort of signal strength am I aiming for here? I thought that 79-85% would have been low enough.

    My advice is usually to get the maximum signal strength below 80% but the best thing to do is experiment.

    Once i've done that if there is no improvement I will look at replacing the cables.

    Have you checked that the aerial and the HDMI are well separated. I have to confess our HDR-2000T began to display these symptoms after a new carpet was fitted and it took me a while to realise that the carpet fitters had managed to tangle up my carefully separated cables. Separating them fixed the problem.

    | Tue 24 Nov 2020 18:46:22 #4 |
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    Dave Dee

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    Thank you, I will aim for about 75% for starters. Sorry yes I meant to mention that my HDMI and aerial lead are well separated.

    | Tue 24 Nov 2020 18:49:29 #5 |

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