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Picture jerky on all channels after update

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    I'm baffled by a sudden jerky picture on all channels SD and HD of my HDR. 2000T that started about a week ago.

    The picture jerks every several seconds. The sound is fine.

    I have had the same aerial for years and it has worked perfectly with a previous Humax box and a newish 200T - until recently. Several weeks ago I had manually re-tuned to only receive signals from Kendal (not Lancaster) and this allowed recording of BBC 4 that failed before. Recordings show a 'broken' symbol on the recording, but play OK.

    I have 100% quality and 96% strength on all channels.

    This may have started after the recent software update, but I think it started a few days before.

    The aerial output from the Humax goes to the TV - and the picture on this is perfect (but on SD of course).

    I'm baffled. Suggestions welcome.


    | Tue 31 Mar 2015 9:49:52 #1 |
  2. MontysEvilTwin


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    You need a stable 100% quality value to get good reception, but 96% signal strength sounds rather high. The signal might be too strong and need attenuating. If you have a passive splitter you could try splitting the feed to the TV and HDR-2000T: this will drop the strength a bit and may be enough to improve your picture. Otherwise you could get an in-line attenuator from Maplins or somewhere.

    | Tue 31 Mar 2015 10:21:40 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I agree with MontysEvilTwin 96% signal strength is very high and could be overloading the tuners. Do you have an amplifier in the aerial cabling? If so do things get better if you bypass it?

    | Tue 31 Mar 2015 13:17:22 #3 |
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    This was good advice - I turned down the 'volume' on the amplifier and the jerking seems to have stopped.

    However, I will need the amplifier to receive some channels from the distant Lancaster as well as the limited range the nearby Kendal transmitter.

    (I miss Russia today and Gay Rabbit so much )

    It is a bit disappointing that the TV and the previous Humax box coped with this high and duplicate channel signal without difficulty - working fine 'out of the box' without the fiddly manual tune as well. Perhaps I need to manually tune to Lancaster?

    Thanks Paul

    | Wed 1 Apr 2015 9:29:21 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    To do the job properly you need two aerials and a frequency sensitive diplexer split at channel 51.

    Lancaster uses channels in the range 21-28, Kendal uses 53-60.

    You connect the Lancaster aerial to the amplifier and the amplifier output to the diplexer channel 21-50 input. You connect the Kendal aerial to the diplexer 52-68 input.

    The diplexer output connects to your pvr. This way you can amplify the weaker signals without affecting the stronger local signals.

    I would use your existing aerial which is most likely a wideband for Kendal and fit a group A (which will have a higher gain) for the Lancaster input.

    Manual tune the pvr so it only receives the appropriate muxes from the transmitter you want (no duplicates)

    | Wed 1 Apr 2015 9:55:56 #5 |

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