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Playback of stuff recorded on FOX-T2

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    Newbie here, so please be gentle

    My current setup has a FOX-T2 HDR running customised firmware and connected to my NAS. I have just added a FOXSAT HDR into the mix as well, which also has the customised firmware and is also connected to the NAS.

    Now I have a load of recordings from the FOX-T2 that have been copied onto the NAS (which playback fine on the FOX-T2), and although the FOXSAT can see them (i.e. it lists them in media list), when I try and play them I get a message saying that the recording has failed.

    I'm assuming that I have missed something obvious.

    Also, I have a series of MPGs recorded on the NAS which all play fine on the FOX-T2, but the FOXSAT doesn't even see them (I just get empty folders in the media listings). Does the FOXSAT support MPG playback directly or do I need to use AV2HDR (I had assumed since the FOX-T2 played them directly then so would the FOXSAT).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | Thu 7 Mar 2013 10:37:36 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    eydon00 - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Does the FOXSAT support MPG playback directly or do I need to use AV2HDR (I had assumed since the FOX-T2 played them directly then so would the FOXSAT).

    I think you need to use AV2HDR to create the sidecar files for the FOXSAT.

    | Thu 7 Mar 2013 10:52:28 #2 |
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    eydon00 - 1 day ago  » 
    Now I have a load of recordings from the FOX-T2 that have been copied onto the NAS (which playback fine on the FOX-T2), and although the FOXSAT can see them (i.e. it lists them in media list), when I try and play them I get a message saying that the recording has failed.
    I'm assuming that I have missed something obvious.

    I don't know if the FOX-T2 encrypts recordings or not. By default the Foxsat HDR does for HD recordings but not SD ones. That might be something to look into while fault finding this particular problem.

    | Fri 8 Mar 2013 20:31:20 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    zeke - 42 minutes ago  » 

    eydon00 - 1 day ago  » 
    I don't know if the FOX-T2 encrypts recordings or not.

    The HDR-FOX T2 encrypts everything but SD recordings can be decrypted by copying to USB.

    | Fri 8 Mar 2013 21:14:38 #4 |

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