My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Playing mp4 Media Freezes from QNAP Twonky Server

(3 posts)
  1. davidrew


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    Joined: Feb '13
    Posts: 274


    I have been trying to play mp4 (720p) files using the media services on our 5000T from a QNAP NAS which uses the Twonky Media Server. The mp4 starts OK then freezes after a couple of minutes. If I play the same mp4 on our old 1000S Freesat Box using its media services it works abolutely fine.

    Both the 5000T and 1000S are hardwired to the LAN and the Twonky is not reporting any issues. All the IP addresses are fixed as they are issued by DHCP against MAC address.

    Anyone any ideas or is the Media software on the 5000T just a bit flakey?


    | Fri 29 Jun 2018 10:50:59 #1 |
  2. davidrew


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    Posts: 274


    I'm bumping this one as the problem still persists.

    Any ideas?


    | Tue 10 Jul 2018 23:05:37 #2 |
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    davidrew - 22 hours ago  » 
    I'm bumping this one as the problem still persists.
    Any ideas?

    Have you tried to access the file directly i.e. not using Twonky? I use a NAS for my media - Synology. However, I don't use the Synology app, I simply access the file directly searching the NAS folders from the TV.

    If you have a SMART tv then use that to search for the media on the NAS. I don't use any of my PVRs for NAS media.

    | Wed 11 Jul 2018 21:48:43 #3 |

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