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    You know its easier to step into a Red Arrow Power Up Taxi & Take Off, Nip To Cyprus Try Box There And Come Back, lol

    Newbie, but i know ill be an expert in no time, FOXSAT_HD

    What i don't understand is why all this postcode crap, If None Work.
    why not an update to do away with it.
    How the hell does Humax get away with this, new to Freesat.
    Ive done a manual search, you get sky news, Great! but i get china, India, Etc etc, nice for a few mins, but i never understand those indian films, all they seem to do is a silly dance, and the men always seem 80 and the girls 20, oh sorry did i drift away from the subject then? lol ( lots of laughter) incase you have never heard it used, lol
    so come on guys, or someone from Humax how do we stop ourselves from having a nervous breakdown, and falling off our roof?
    I went on a Website, because Humax said" we recomend you use an installer, but why? i have sky working ok, its actually slightly off, so how much? so i tweaked my vertical, ill call it, curtain rod stuck out my window, moving the LNB, and it works!, after contacting freesat recomended installers, ( RHYL ) sent the installer a message, he came back with your LNB is knackered, so an install would be £45.00 Plus £85.00 for a new LNB!
    I said what like the one i just bought for £4.99 and works a treat with sky? he came back with your having a laugh, reading your Grammer that's crap, sounds like a nice chap.
    So i wrote back to him saying sorry about the Grammer, i was never any good with English, but i was only asking why £85.00 for a £5.00 part, He said incase he has to work on it in the future?
    Any Sky engineers on here, and i will lay down a bet of £1000 if you tell me you take LNB's apart and repair them..

    so i went on my flat roof, and moved things very slowly, i know azimuth and thingy bob's but i moved my LNB up, i found that to bring in channels clearer..

    But thinking about this cheaky so and so, i thought, this is the guy that rouge traders can easily film....

    what i need is not a freesat box. But The Best Way to Grammar-Check Your Texts
    Comprehensive grammar, spelling, punctuation, structure and style checker....
    No i don't i want my telly on, without being ripped big time.

    My Grammar never stopped me Working for BAE Systems in Missile defence dept, or All Doe sites in the uk, or HRH house, and she was happy at our work, even watched a bit of telly whilst we were there, oh and The Bank, Our Biggest Gold reserves, shit looked like a scene from a Bond Movie, all Nat West Banks, IBM, British Airways, Concorde, BP OIL, London...The most secure site in the uk, really, you won't get in there even if you was Royalty, I really could go on, BNF, See the thing is, only someone with an A1 security clearance and not just a cert to say he was trained for ten weeks and it cost him a grand, oh and he must have had a GCSE in English, but i really am crap at English, a bit like Richard Branson, who i Photographed, along with David Bowie, Iggy Pop, T Rex, Rolling Stones, Queen, Dianna, Ian Hunter, Bob G..Live Aid Guy who hates Mondays, anyway i think you might get the jiffy bag...I asked Richard can i use his postcode, yep but it won't get your box to work! because....blah blah, omg does anyone know how to sort my bloody box out, im sick of watching sexy girls on phones, and Indian dancers, and a guy talking to God in China, HELP i need somebody, to help me, is there a simple
    way around this? ( Newbie ) who promises next time i won't write a load of interesting facts about oneself! lol

    | Thu 5 Jul 2012 2:52:35 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 949


    Can we have an excecutive management précis please?

    | Thu 5 Jul 2012 8:07:53 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Joined: Feb '11
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    If you are in Cyprus it's not surprising you can't get hardly any UK satellite services.

    Sky News (Astra2B South) footprint

    UK PSB Services (Astra 1N) - Majority of Freesat epg channels

    The remainder (Eutelsat28A)

    There is zilch chance of getting Astra 1N unless you have Jodrell Bank on your roof

    The postcode merely lets the box put the local regional programmes at the lower end of the epg. If there is no signal what can Humax do about it ?

    | Thu 5 Jul 2012 8:48:16 #3 |

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