My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Power adaptor

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    Posts: 23



    My Dad owns a 1800T and has recently moved house.

    During the move, power adaptors for various devices were bundled together.

    Post-move, I think I've matched devices to power adaptors but the adaptor I have remaining doesn't match the details on the back of the 1800T. If it were a Humax badged adaptor it would be helpful but it's an obscure make.

    Can somebody please confirm the V and A ratings of the 1800T adaptor for me? I don't want to fry my Dad's machine.



    | Sat 5 Oct 2019 16:06:09 #1 |
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    My 2000T (which should be similar to the 1800T) has outputs 12V at 2.5A, a diagram indicating the centre of the output connector is +ve and, FWIW, is made in China by KTEC (who?).

    | Sun 6 Oct 2019 9:35:39 #2 |
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    Thank you.

    However, the remaining adaptor is 12v and 1.5A.

    Do I assume that this isn't the correct adaptor?



    | Sun 6 Oct 2019 9:51:23 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    kroma - 35 mins ago  » 
    However, the remaining adaptor is 12v and 1.5A.
    Do I assume that this isn't the correct adaptor?

    I don't know for sure but as the 1800T has a 2.5" hard drive whereas the 2000T has a 3.5" hard drive that will require more power, I think it is feasible that the power brick for the 1800T will be lower power. My recollection is that the size of the barrel that plugs into the Humax is very uncommon so I suggest you try plugging it into the Humax with the mains lead not plugged in. If it fits properly (ie is not loose in the socket) I think that it is very likely you have the correct one.

    | Sun 6 Oct 2019 10:32:51 #4 |

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