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Problems copying to external drive

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    I am having little success with the 4000t and have tried to copy from the HDD to an external drive but I have tried a few drives pen, powered 1tb to 4tb and I have even formatted these drives via the 4000t and also via laptop but I find that I can only copy one folder with 2 programmes (an hour running time) and then when I try to copy another file ie a movie it does not copy after formatting my external drive is namedDev01_00 so can anyone give me an idea of what now to do, thanks a lot ps can someone tell me what is the best "drive" and how to format it ie computer or pvr and also if when you copy that it "carries" the subtitles from the programmes (obv i have coped the programmes with subs) thanks a lot
    PS I can only see the files when I use the "recordings" button but when I go into FreeviewPlay/media they tell me that there is no video files available to both my Internal Drive and external drive (i have made sure that the "video" is high lighted NOT music or pictures) What a palaver!!!!

    | Fri 14 Apr 2017 20:06:49 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Can anybody with an FVP4000T please help this new member that I directed here from another place?

    | Sun 16 Apr 2017 7:57:07 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    With apologises to the OP for not spotting this one earlier, and welcome to our Forum

    Not sure why your second attempt to copy failed, unless the recording was copy protected but you should have seen a pop up explaining this.

    Format (ntfs) via PC or the unit has not made a difference in my experience.

    I usually use WD passport portable HDD as never had an issue with them, also have a Toshiba stor.e that has been long term tested on another Humax product without issue.

    As a test I have just copied a folder containing 4 episodes, and then a movie (all HD) without issue. HD transfers are quicker as they are not decrypted on copy/move. I would guess that your recordings were SD as they took time to copy.

    Re the name of the HDD that is correct.

    Re freeviewplay/media and no contents displayed on internal and external HDD's - It does not list recordings you have made via the unit, this is for other videos/pictures/music you have on your external HDD or copied to the internal one.

    With thanks to Martin for highlighting this thread.

    | Sun 16 Apr 2017 8:27:23 #3 |
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    This is starting to make sense as tried to copy an SD file thinking it would be quicker and you are correct all of the programmes i tried to copy were SD I am not at home at the moment but how long does it take to copy an sd programme (say 2 hour movie) as I tried to copy and it was still copying 3/4 hours later is there a wee time allocation(does not have to be exact?) and also what about subtitles? I only ever use subtitles (profoundly deaf) so does the subtitles also record, but thanks for your earlier reply

    | Sun 16 Apr 2017 10:00:42 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    From experience an SD copy takes approx the same amount of time as the broadcast duration.

    If subtitles are broadcast with a programme then they are recorded, and would also copy to an ext HDD.

    | Sun 16 Apr 2017 10:10:10 #5 |
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    I see, I have had other humaxs and i thought the time would be quicker than them but did not realise that the time was not shortened and glad to hear about the subtitles, its just the files I did copy did not have subtitles on them, I was unsure if that was a "copying issue" or if it was a "drive issue" will try it later or tomorrow and let you know thanks again bbuk

    PS Is there a maximum drive size I can use as we are a deaf family who use a lot of space, please disregard any "computer watching" as we only watch via a HDD or external HDD

    | Sun 16 Apr 2017 10:14:19 #6 |

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