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Problems viewing recorded TV on remote I/P TV over LAN

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    Notts Humax Man

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    I have a new HDR-FOX-T2 upgraded to latest software 1.02.20
    The Humax is connected to the LAN via "Home Plugs", Remote Sony I/P TV via ADSL Modem and PC.
    The Humax has stored .JPG files on the hard drive.
    Whem connecting to the network from the remote TV the Humax comes up OK, I can go onto the Photo's section and they work fine all of the Sony "Slide Show" features work fine.
    When access the "Video" section all of the "Recorded Media" is there. I can select say "Question of Sport" and I get the Loading message and rotating disc but it does not play. If I select the "i" Button the TV remote all of the details for the programme description is there.
    Are there settings that I need to modify to allow them to play??? these Videos? I think I've tried them all.
    I'm sure that you Humax boffins should be able to help.

    Thanks John

    | Mon 15 Aug 2011 13:01:08 #1 |
  2. myhumax


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    Are you trying to playback an HD recording? I don't think the HDR allows you to do this unless if you have a Humax HD FOX T2 acting as the DLNA client.

    | Tue 16 Aug 2011 11:24:20 #2 |
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    Notts Humax Man

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    No we don't have HD in the Nottingham area yet, so the only TV recordings we have done will be normal standard.

    | Tue 16 Aug 2011 12:42:37 #3 |
  4. myhumax


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    Sorry, I've only played about with XMBC as the DLNA client, and apart from it taking a while to 'index' the recordings, and that HD recordings can not be played... all is working AFAIK.

    I've still have to get my XBOX 360 hooked up to both HDRs to see if it works well or at all as a DLNA client... (Maybe time for some experiments and blog post...)

    | Wed 17 Aug 2011 12:09:36 #4 |
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    Notts Humax Man

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    Barry - Can you help out on this one please.
    Is the problem related to "Copyright" or perhaps the Sony TV not being able to decode the possibly "Encrypted" video file????

    | Thu 18 Aug 2011 11:43:14 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Sorry for delay in getting back to you, have been discussing this with Humax Towers. They also have problems with this, on a Sony TV and suspect the TV does not support the video format of the Humax files ie ts streams.

    Can you advise the exact model of your TV please.

    | Thu 18 Aug 2011 15:39:57 #6 |
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    Notts Humax Man

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    Hi Barry.
    A friend of mine suggested that the problems may be related to "Copyright" or the TV cannot decode video format.
    Thats why I posted this.
    The Sony TV Model is:-
    Regards John

    | Thu 18 Aug 2011 16:45:53 #7 |
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    Owen Smith

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    My parents have an HDR Fox T2, I was going to buy a Sony KDL-24EX320 for their bedroom to stream content from the Humax. But if the 32EX523 doesn't work it seems very likely the 24EX320 won't because they're both 2011 Sony models. The 24EX320 is nice and compact and has builtin wireless plus is true 1920x1080 (unusual for 24 inch screen) which is why I was looking at that model.

    | Fri 19 Aug 2011 15:23:30 #8 |
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    Notts Humax Man

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    Hi Barrie.
    Since my last post giving details of the Sony TV model, I was wondering if you have managed to identify any further details for the "Streeming Recorded TV" problems over the LAN.
    Your discussions with Humax Towers seemed to identify other Sony TV users experiancing the same problem.
    Regards John

    | Wed 24 Aug 2011 19:38:32 #9 |
  10. Barry


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    If, as suspected, the TV does not support the Humax TS file format then there is very little Humax can do.

    | Wed 24 Aug 2011 20:25:46 #10 |

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