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Problems with Factory Reset and reception

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    Posts: 70


    I had a problem with my FVP4000t and contacted Humax Support to see if they had come across this sort of problem and is there anything to be done about it,the dialogue follows
    My E-mail:-
    CommentsOn Sat. 13th Jan I had been watching a recording and stopped watching it at approx 20.00Hrs.
    I had a program set to record a BBC2 programme at about then & I saw the recording starting flash on the top corner.
    When I stopped watching the recording I had a message on screen \"No Signal etc\", my aerial connection comes to the t4000 and then looped through to the tv, when I selected the TV’s input option from Humax to the TVs own tuner I was getting a signal, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the signal from the aerial.
    I rebooted the T4000 (power off/on), which had no effect ie still message of no signal.
    I then did a “smart auto” scan of the channels (multiplexes), which came back with only finding the 30 BBC sd channels which for me are on multiplex 26 from the Wrekin transmitter.
    I deduce from this that the tuning data for only that multiplex had somehow been deleted.
    I checked the recording schedule and as far as I can see it was intact, the programme due to be recorded at 20.00 was lost, programmes after the retune recorded OK
    At the time this started, before I started to watch the recording (approx 19.40hrs) the T4000 was tuned to BBC1.
    I did a touch test of the T4000 and it felt warmish but not really hot
    I hope this gives a clear picture of what happened
    Have you had any similar reports of this sort of behaviour?
    Are any of the “improvements” in the t5000 user interface going to be implemented on the T4000?

    Humax response:-
    Thank you for contacting Humax.
    You have given me an excellent description of the problem.. Can you confirm your postcode please?
    I would like to take a look at the local transmitters in the area please.

    My response:-
    Thanks for your response, my postcode is SY4 3EA
    I am a NW bearing from the Wrekin Tx about 12 miles, I have to rely on the Sutton Coldfield Tx for commas 7 & 8 as the Wrekin does not transmit them. The Sutton Coldfield Tx is on about the same bearing
    Humax Rerply
    I want you to follow this exact set of instructions below. I am using sutton coldfield as the transmitter to test.

    Please NOTE: System settings such as screen ratio will be reset and your schedule will be deleted but recorded programmes will be saved.
    · Press the Home/Freeview play button on the remote
    · Using the directional buttons move up and select Settings
    · Select System Settings then Factory Default
    · Choose Reset All Settings with the OK button
    · Select ‘YES’
    · Enter Password 0000
    · The unit will restart, please allow up to 2 minutes for this to happen
    · Please choose your preferred language
    · Choose Next
    · Select Next and stop the automatic search before any channels are found
    · When presented with the message 'Do you want to stop the search?' select YES
    · Please choose your Internet Connection Method
    · Select Next on confirmation Screen
    · Select "I agree to the privacy policy" and press OK
    · Select "I agree to the terms and conditions" and press OK
    · Select your "Power Saving In Standby" preference and press OK
    · Then select Next and press OK
    · Then choose Exit
    · Software check will take place - Please allow 2-3 minutes
    · Once finished scroll through the onscreen guide and press OK on the last screen
    · When given the message that no channels are available press the OK button,
    · Select manual channel search and press OK
    · Select Channel and enter a channel number from the list below:
    Please see the following numbers for your local transmitter.
    Channels 43,46,42,45,39

    When tuning HD Channels please select transmission and change this to DVB-T2.
    Channel HD 40,33,35
    You will need to carry out the manual tune procedure for each one of these numbers
    Once you have completed the search and saved the results for all channel numbers please press the exit button, this completes the manual tune.
    OK I have done as you requested and switched my transmitter from the Wrekin to Sutton Coldfield

    My Reply:-
    Followed your procedure doing a factory reset, however just before the final part prior to selecting Manual tune I spotted that an auto scan was in progress.
    I stopped it and used my usual procedure, Using "Edit Channel List" and the "+" edit to select all channels and then "Delete" (this has to be twice as the first only deletes the TV second required to delete radio channels and then used the Manual tune to select 33,35,40 T2 channels 39,42,43,45,46.
    Carried out a check using signal test facility that the appropriate programme channels are on the Sutton Coldfield Tx.

    I am accustomed to using the manual tune as I prefer to use the Wrekin as I have found it more reliable in poor weather conditions though not so much of a problem now than it was prior to the switch over to complete digital. This time however the manual tune has behaved strangely the first scan behaves as it should comes up with a list of channels and then the stop "button" changes to "save" but further selections give a list of channels but then carries on with an auto scan I had to select the stop and get back to channel selection page
    The AUTO scan I refer to is not a numerical increment but a select it starts with 43, and then 26 which are the BBC sd multiplexes
    Don't like to throw further problems into the pot but the usual is scan then save maybe this was caused by the factory reset only thing I can think that I have done differently

    A few days later I wanted to view freeview play ON DEMAND but could not do so and sent this E-mail to Humax:-

    Further to the previous E-Mails of the problems on Saturday the 13th I noticed a problem with lack of freeview ON DEMAND services

    When Selecting ON DEMAND the netflex etc services are available but the freeview services are greyed out and cannot be selected

    The seven day catch up service works OK but I had to enter my "ALL4" user name and password which I have not had to do up till now and consequently had forgotten (What a pain that is when you have to use the on screen keyboard and the navigation keys are "X" and "RETURN keys and thick thumb syndrome causes a wipe out of your effort and a restart of the sign on)

    I do not know if this can be put down to the Factory reset which was carried out but I have done a few reboots and reloaded the latest software (UKTFAE 1.02.13) to no avail.

    The Humax responsewas to send an E-mail with forms to return the box to them. I contacted by phone and they said that is the only thing they could do as they could not think of another solution. I thought this was a pity as I did not really want to loose my recordings due to what didn’t appear to be a hardware problem. I had another go and the result is shown in the following E-mail to Humax

    I have solved the problem! with no Freeview Play on demand !
    I thought it was a bit severe to return the box for this problems and the thought of losing all the recorded programmes
    I thought the easiest way to recall schedule was to note the channel,date and times of schedule
    I carried out a to factory reset
    On startup I stopped the auto scan
    I carried out a manual scan for the Wrekin Tx plus multiplexes 33 & 35 (not available on the Wrekin)
    Note:- On the manual scan this time it behaved correctly ie it did not try to go into an auto scan after finding the data on each channel scan
    All is now OK
    So it would appear that the original factory reset caused the problem!

    I don’t know if anyone has any thoughts on this and it might be a help if someone has a similar problem

    | Fri 19 Jan 2018 16:56:42 #1 |
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    redmic - 52 minutes ago  » 
    Note:- On the manual scan this time it behaved correctly ie it did not try to go into an auto scan after finding the data on each channel scan

    When actioning a manual scan there is an option for it to be part of a "Network Search". On your failed result it appears that this was set to 'On'. I don't own a FVP but for most (all?) previous Humax freeview models a reset of settings would switch this back to 'Off'.

    The "Network Search" option was designed to autoscan DVB-T muxes on the same Network but unfortunately the numbers that it uses are often from a different transmitter in the region. The numbers used are not down to Humax but are transmitted by each transmitter and some transmitters are unhelpfully transmitting another transmitter's numbers and not their own.

    I am between two transmitters. On one transmitter I must make sure that the "Network Search" option is 'Off' when ever I manually retune. For the other transmitter it provides a quick way of retuning.

    | Fri 19 Jan 2018 18:00:55 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
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    The numbers used are not down to Humax but are transmitted by each transmitter and some transmitters are unhelpfully transmitting another transmitter's numbers and not their own.

    Witnessed same in my area...

    Check your PM's please Luke.

    | Fri 19 Jan 2018 18:18:31 #3 |
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    redmic - 1 day ago  » 
    I had a problem with my FVP4000t and contacted Humax Support to see if they had come across this sort of problem and is there anything to be done about it,the dialogue follows
    My E-mail:-
    CommentsOn Sat. 13th Jan I had been watching a recording and stopped watching it at approx 20.00Hrs.
    I had a program set to record a BBC2 programme at about then & I saw the recording starting flash on the top corner.
    When I stopped watching the recording I had a message on screen \"No Signal etc\", my aerial connection comes to the t4000 and then looped through to the tv, when I selected the TV’s input option from Humax to the TVs own tuner I was getting a signal, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the signal from the aerial.
    I rebooted the T4000 (power off/on), which had no effect ie still message of no signal.
    I then did a “smart auto” scan of the channels (multiplexes), which came back with only finding the 30 BBC sd channels which for me are on multiplex 26 from the Wrekin transmitter.
    I deduce from this that the tuning data for only that multiplex had somehow been deleted.
    I checked the recording schedule and as far as I can see it was intact, the programme due to be recorded at 20.00 was lost, programmes after the retune recorded OK
    At the time this started, before I started to watch the recording (approx 19.40hrs) the T4000 was tuned to BBC1.
    I did a touch test of the T4000 and it felt warmish but not really hot
    I hope this gives a clear picture of what happened
    Have you had any similar reports of this sort of behaviour?
    Are any of the “improvements” in the t5000 user interface going to be implemented on the T4000?
    Humax response:-
    Thank you for contacting Humax.
    You have given me an excellent description of the problem.. Can you confirm your postcode please?
    I would like to take a look at the local transmitters in the area please.
    My response:-
    Thanks for your response, my postcode is SY4 3EA
    I am a NW bearing from the Wrekin Tx about 12 miles, I have to rely on the Sutton Coldfield Tx for commas 7 & 8 as the Wrekin does not transmit them. The Sutton Coldfield Tx is on about the same bearing
    Humax Rerply
    I want you to follow this exact set of instructions below. I am using sutton coldfield as the transmitter to test.
    Please NOTE: System settings such as screen ratio will be reset and your schedule will be deleted but recorded programmes will be saved.
    · Press the Home/Freeview play button on the remote
    · Using the directional buttons move up and select Settings
    · Select System Settings then Factory Default
    · Choose Reset All Settings with the OK button
    · Select ‘YES’
    · Enter Password 0000
    · The unit will restart, please allow up to 2 minutes for this to happen
    · Please choose your preferred language
    · Choose Next
    · Select Next and stop the automatic search before any channels are found
    · When presented with the message 'Do you want to stop the search?' select YES
    · Please choose your Internet Connection Method
    · Select Next on confirmation Screen
    · Select "I agree to the privacy policy" and press OK
    · Select "I agree to the terms and conditions" and press OK
    · Select your "Power Saving In Standby" preference and press OK
    · Then select Next and press OK
    · Then choose Exit
    · Software check will take place - Please allow 2-3 minutes
    · Once finished scroll through the onscreen guide and press OK on the last screen
    · When given the message that no channels are available press the OK button,
    · Select manual channel search and press OK
    · Select Channel and enter a channel number from the list below:
    Please see the following numbers for your local transmitter.
    Channels 43,46,42,45,39
    When tuning HD Channels please select transmission and change this to DVB-T2.
    Channel HD 40,33,35
    You will need to carry out the manual tune procedure for each one of these numbers
    Once you have completed the search and saved the results for all channel numbers please press the exit button, this completes the manual tune.
    OK I have done as you requested and switched my transmitter from the Wrekin to Sutton Coldfield
    My Reply:-
    Followed your procedure doing a factory reset, however just before the final part prior to selecting Manual tune I spotted that an auto scan was in progress.
    I stopped it and used my usual procedure, Using "Edit Channel List" and the "+" edit to select all channels and then "Delete" (this has to be twice as the first only deletes the TV second required to delete radio channels and then used the Manual tune to select 33,35,40 T2 channels 39,42,43,45,46.
    Carried out a check using signal test facility that the appropriate programme channels are on the Sutton Coldfield Tx.
    I am accustomed to using the manual tune as I prefer to use the Wrekin as I have found it more reliable in poor weather conditions though not so much of a problem now than it was prior to the switch over to complete digital. This time however the manual tune has behaved strangely the first scan behaves as it should comes up with a list of channels and then the stop "button" changes to "save" but further selections give a list of channels but then carries on with an auto scan I had to select the stop and get back to channel selection page
    The AUTO scan I refer to is not a numerical increment but a select it starts with 43, and then 26 which are the BBC sd multiplexes
    Don't like to throw further problems into the pot but the usual is scan then save maybe this was caused by the factory reset only thing I can think that I have done differently
    A few days later I wanted to view freeview play ON DEMAND but could not do so and sent this E-mail to Humax:-
    Further to the previous E-Mails of the problems on Saturday the 13th I noticed a problem with lack of freeview ON DEMAND services
    When Selecting ON DEMAND the netflex etc services are available but the freeview services are greyed out and cannot be selected
    The seven day catch up service works OK but I had to enter my "ALL4" user name and password which I have not had to do up till now and consequently had forgotten (What a pain that is when you have to use the on screen keyboard and the navigation keys are "X" and "RETURN keys and thick thumb syndrome causes a wipe out of your effort and a restart of the sign on)
    I do not know if this can be put down to the Factory reset which was carried out but I have done a few reboots and reloaded the latest software (UKTFAE 1.02.13) to no avail.
    The Humax responsewas to send an E-mail with forms to return the box to them. I contacted by phone and they said that is the only thing they could do as they could not think of another solution. I thought this was a pity as I did not really want to loose my recordings due to what didn’t appear to be a hardware problem. I had another go and the result is shown in the following E-mail to Humax
    I have solved the problem! with no Freeview Play on demand !
    I thought it was a bit severe to return the box for this problems and the thought of losing all the recorded programmes
    I thought the easiest way to recall schedule was to note the channel,date and times of schedule
    I carried out a to factory reset
    On startup I stopped the auto scan
    I carried out a manual scan for the Wrekin Tx plus multiplexes 33 & 35 (not available on the Wrekin)
    Note:- On the manual scan this time it behaved correctly ie it did not try to go into an auto scan after finding the data on each channel scan
    All is now OK
    So it would appear that the original factory reset caused the problem!
    I don’t know if anyone has any thoughts on this and it might be a help if someone has a similar problem

    I have done some further checks regarding the loss of "ON DEMAND" availability and found that the problem is caused by clearing all data in order to do a manual scan to choose a preferred transmitter.
    I did a smart auto scan this morning after which I was left tuned to Sutton Coalfield instead of my preference the Wrekin.
    In order to get back to the Wrekin I had to clear the channel lists and and carry out a manual search.
    Subsequent to this on checking the "ON DEMAND" the freeview on demand channels were greyed out and unavailable
    I don't know if anyone else has come across this or would try to reproduce it?
    I'm off to stuff some mushrooms!

    | Sun 21 Jan 2018 11:49:04 #4 |

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