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Programme info - ambiguous at best

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    Joined: Jul '17
    Posts: 17


    I've just bought and set-up a FVP 4000T. My first reaction to it is 'er, did anyone ever test this thing!?'.

    For reference I have the latest software update (1.02.13)

    In common with current PVRs in the market, this one seems to lack a certain finesse, and seems to have several missing buttons on the remote (and some using space that don't really need it). While this has a lot more features than the PVRs available a decade ago, it's actually less usable.

    My first gripe is where's the 'info' button? Well, I found out there isn't one, and that you're supposed to use the 'ok' button. This works for live TV, and it works when you are viewing programmes in the future in the guide.

    However, if you highlight a 'live' programme in the guide, pressing 'ok' switches to that channel. I don't think anyone would imagine that the combination of these behaviours is 'correct'.

    If I press 'ok' when I'm watching a recorded programme I get the timeline display. In this mode I'm wondering what the purpose of onscreen ff/rw/pause buttons are when these are on the remote control!?

    That appears to be three different behaviours for what seem to be contextually similar situations:

    i) pressing 'ok' on live tv and on a recorded programme should get a similar result

    ii pressing 'ok' on live and future programmes in the guide should get a similar result

    The whole system is littered with these kinds of problems.

    While I'm here, in the manual it refers to a 'universal' remote control. Either I'm missing something, or the remote with this box is nothing of the sort. The only 'universal' aspect it has is its ability to turn of the television (with a dedicated button) - it cannot turn up the volume or change channels on the TV.

    Which raises yet another gripe, but I'll save that for another day/thread.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback!

    | Sun 23 Jul 2017 22:34:35 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum

    Check out the FVP 4000T FAQ's

    Lots of info on how to get info for current programmes on air, recordings being viewed etc.

    | Mon 24 Jul 2017 8:43:12 #2 |
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    Barry, thanks for the feedback, although I think you are missing my point. I'm sure that there are ways to work around the shortcomings of the interface, but I'm not really that interested in that issue.

    The point I was making is that the entire interface is riddled with inconsistencies - it's like the main consideration was to make it look 'pretty' and not worry about how someone might use it. General sizes of text on screen is an indicator of this.

    While there may be 'other' ways of doing specific things, it is basically a UI design failure if you have to refer to online FAQs in order to operate what should be a simple interface.

    | Tue 25 Jul 2017 14:07:39 #3 |
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    typonaut - 8 hours ago  » 
    Barry, thanks for the feedback, although I think you are missing my point. I'm sure that there are ways to work around the shortcomings of the interface, but I'm not really that interested in that issue.
    The point I was making is that the entire interface is riddled with inconsistencies - it's like the main consideration was to make it look 'pretty' and not worry about how someone might use it. General sizes of text on screen is an indicator of this.
    While there may be 'other' ways of doing specific things, it is basically a UI design failure if you have to refer to online FAQs in order to operate what should be a simple interface.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of the 4000T. This is a great box in terms of the 3 recorders, catch up EPG etc, DLNA facility but I would agree with you in my opinion that of the many Humax boxes I have owned over the years the UI in the 4000T is one of the worst.
    And yes, I would also agree that not having an info button was a blunder as you have already found out.

    | Tue 25 Jul 2017 22:27:56 #4 |
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    After you use it (seeing as it's the main box, correct?) it becomes nothing but second nature to fire about it's irks. I've come from 24 years with a certain cable company -loooong before we had these boxes and literaly over a day or two i had it sussed out. D-pad up (from OK, then press OK) gives you info about progs your watching. D-pad down or up whilst browsing the channel brings you back to your channel list. Pressing Guide, allows you to go to a prog on a channel and get info, just remember that pressing OK on a channel at the Yellow Timeline bar running down the centre of the screen (present time). will change it. Sorting channels into Fav 1,2,3 etc Eg; SD,HD,Sport,Docs and Films allows rapid navigation to them. Press Guide or D-Pad up/down then press the '+' button top right of the OK allows you to select the genre to view rather than endless needless scrolling.

    | Wed 2 Aug 2017 14:19:17 #5 |

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