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PRV 9300T humaxrw problem

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    Joined: Feb '15
    Posts: 1


    9300T HDD corrupted

    HDD appears to be corrupted tried running humaxrw in recovery mode:
    humaxrw 2: -r -g -n it comes back with:
    Directory1: Invalid argument

    When I run humaxrw 2: -r -l -n
    I get:

    1: ***Buffer***
    2: ***Buffer***
    3: ***Info disabled***
    4: ***Info disabled***

    and so on to line 204

    Can anyone throw any light on the problem? I an running humaxrw from Win 7 64bit from Admin Command prompt.
    Many thanks.

    | Sat 21 Feb 2015 18:04:33 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    sforbes - 2 hours ago  » 
    When I run humaxrw 2: -r -l -n

    Presumably it is worse without the -n? It sounds to me as though the file system is hopelessly broken; time to give up and move on and try a format.

    | Sat 21 Feb 2015 20:46:53 #2 |

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