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PVR 9300T Distracting hum as volume increases

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    Dragon Catcher

    junior member
    Joined: Mar '15
    Posts: 6


    I have had my 9300T for a few years and the problem with the 'hum' has worsened. My TV is a Sony (older than the Humax). To get the best sound quality when playing back recordings, I put max volume on the Humax control and then adjust with the Sony volume control. As I increase it to a comfortable level to hear, the background hum becomes very distracting. As we are getting older our hearing is getting worse and the hum is even more distracting.

    Should I have a different connection between my Humax and the TV? (just a thought). (Incidentally, the picture quality also drops very noticeably when watching recordings - the normal TV picture quality is truly excellent).

    We (this includes my wife) will be most grateful for any help with overcome these problems.

    | Fri 13 Mar 2015 17:44:15 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Assuming you are using a scart cable, firstly push the plugs firmly into the sockets. Poor audio is frequently caused by a displaced scart connector)

    If that fails to remove the hum then try a new scart cable. Make sure the one you buy is described as fully screened.

    Welcome to our forum.

    | Fri 13 Mar 2015 17:53:32 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dragon Catcher - 19 minutes ago  » 
    Should I have a different connection between my Humax and the TV?

    For us to offer advice you need to tell us what connection you are currently using (HDMI,SCART etc)? Have you checked that the cable for whatever connection type you are using is not close to any source of interference?

    | Fri 13 Mar 2015 18:05:23 #3 |

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