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Random results since Raydon v4.0.6 install

(20 posts)
  1. simoncroft


    Joined: May '12
    Posts: 11


    I was over the moon yesterday when I successfully installed the Media and File Server Bundle onto our Foxsat HDR and managed to install the web interface. But I was surprised to discover the Fetch FTP client I often use on the Mac said 'the server could not be located' or similar. As I thought I might be missing the point, I installed first telnet_1.0_mips.opk, then TwonkyMedia. All seemed OK but I still didn't have ftp access, so I gave up for the day.

    Today, it's all gone a bit wrong! Any attempt to access the Humax via a web browser produces a 'server not found' alert. I still can't access the box via an ftp client and even telnet wouldn't give me access. Also, when I used the remote to look at the box via the TV, some of the Menu items (such as signal diagnostics) were greyed out. That one resolved itself after about 30 minutes, for no reason I can fathom.

    Similarly, before I started this process, I Pinged the box just to make sure it really was on the network. No prob. Today, it couldn't be found via Ping, until I tried again an or so hour later, when it was fine. (I power cycled the Humax box and re-booted my MacBook Pro but that didn't seem to be the trigger for the change.) A few hours later, I've just Pinged the Humax IP address again and it's timed out.

    It's quite possible that none of this has anything to do with yesterday's install but I'm really not sure what to do now. Given that I can only access the Humax using the TV and USB port, should I put the firmware back to the way it was, then start again?

    I'm really not sure what's happening here. The Mac we use as a server has been accessible throughout, so I don't think it's a router or cabling problem. All suggestions gratefully received!

    | Wed 6 Jun 2012 23:58:31 #1 |


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    I would suggest that firstly you start with the current firmware 4.0.7.

    If you did flash 4.0.6 (which contains a previous frirmware version) Housekeeping would have updaraded to the Humax firmware 1.00.20 during the 03:00am housekeeping.

    Even so it should respond to a ping if it has aquired an IP address. DHCP may have obtained a new address - to prevent this make an address reservation on your router.

    p.s. some Foxsat menu items are greyout when the Foxsat is recording.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 6:22:51 #2 |
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    I'm experiencing very similar problems with the exception that I'm trying to connect from a linux box.

    had to reflash with 4.0.6 to be able to connect to web interface however still can't see samba server.

    Where can we get version 4.0.7 as 4.0.6 appears to be the most recent on the downloads page as far as I can see.

    Sorry but I'm a bit new to all this. Many thanks.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 11:05:21 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    spadger - 8 minutes ago  » 
    I'm experiencing very similar problems with the exception that I'm trying to connect from a linux box.
    had to reflash with 4.0.6 to be able to connect to web interface however still can't see samba server.
    Where can we get version 4.0.7 as 4.0.6 appears to be the most recent on the downloads page as far as I can see.
    Sorry but I'm a bit new to all this. Many thanks.

    Welcome to the Forum

    Follow the link contained in the first post here:

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 11:15:30 #4 |


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    "had to reflash with 4.0.6 to be able to connect to web interface however still can't see samba server"

    samba was not one of the servers you mentioned installing.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 11:57:23 #5 |
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    REPASSAC - 18 minutes ago  » 
    "had to reflash with 4.0.6 to be able to connect to web interface however still can't see samba server"
    samba was not one of the servers you mentioned installing.

    Give Spadger a chance please! That was his first ever post and he mentioned it in that post.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 12:18:20 #6 |


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    Did not notice that it was not the OP.

    Where did you guys see the link to 4.0.6 - will try and see if we can remove it.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 14:26:45 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    REPASSAC - 27 minutes ago  » 
    Did not notice that it was not the OP.
    Where did you guys see the link to 4.0.6 - will try and see if we can remove it.

    I thought as much, no harm done.

    Link might be from our blogs, we do not appear to have 4.0.7 - will try and get that sorted asap.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 14:56:16 #8 |


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    Thanks Barry.
    If you spot the old link and P.M. me the target - I will get it removed.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 15:32:48 #9 |
  10. simoncroft


    Joined: May '12
    Posts: 11


    Thank you REPASSAC for your kind help. As a result - and after many wrong turns - I am 'almost' there. I still can't communicate with Foxsat via FTP but I activated Samba instead. Because it's quite hard for an SMB newbie like me to translate the instructions in the ReadMe into specific Mac actions, I've posted two screenshots below. (To get the first dialogue, you need to key Command-K.)

    So far, I believe I'm past all my timing out and can't find the server problems. But I have one last frustrating problem - an alert that says there is not enough free space when I try to upload a video. Although it's a 1TB drive, I figured it might be partitioned small, so I deleted a bigger video file and tried again. Still no joy. I did upload a jpeg, so it doesn't seem to be an upload problem as such.

    All informed help gratefully received.


    1. FoxsatPassword.png (42.7 KB, 3 downloads) 12 years old
    2. FoxsatserverConnection.png (39.4 KB, 1 downloads) 12 years old
    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 15:59:46 #10 |

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