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Random results since Raydon v4.0.6 install

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    simoncroft - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have one last frustrating problem - an alert that says there is not enough free space when I try to upload a video. Although it's a 1TB drive, I figured it might be partitioned small, so I deleted a bigger video file and tried again. Still no joy. I did upload a jpeg, so it doesn't seem to be an upload problem as such.
    All informed help gratefully received.

    Try smb://Foxsat-HDR/Video as your server address instead of the one you are using. Because of the /media folder is mounted on the HDR's tmpfs file system, it's size is seen by samba as 61.2MB only. No such restriction applies if you use the /Video share instead. There are also separate shares defined for /Music, /Photos, and /USB. (I really should update the readme.txt file)
    BTW. If you upload a video it will not be playable on the HDR directly, although you can stream it to A PC using one of the media servers, Twonky or mediatomb. For it to be playable on the HDR you need two additional sidecar files. These can be created using another of my utilities AV2HDR. You probably need the MAC version (which requires mono to be installed first)
    AV2HDR v1.4 for MAC

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 18:03:26 #11 |


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    I regret I do not know much about macs. It may be an mac OS issue - I have seen posts with different results with different OS's- I hate to suggest it but I do know there are several posts on AVForums on this subject. I do know that the samba share does not need an authenticated user.

    Ahh raydon has a wiser suggestion.

    | Thu 7 Jun 2012 18:04:55 #12 |
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    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you all. For me the update to 4.0.7 worked perfectly. Thanks for your help.

    The downloads page that I was talking about is here:

    it's the first result when searching for "raydon humax" on google.

    Apologies for the slight thread hijack. Hope OP sorts his issues.

    Thanks again

    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 6:48:32 #13 |
  4. Barry


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    To avoid any further confusion - the page linked to in previous post has been updated to include version 4.0.7

    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 8:24:09 #14 |
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    Barry - 3 hours ago  » 
    To avoid any further confusion - the page linked to in previous post has been updated to include version 4.0.7

    Hi Barry, Can you also please remove the links for all of the earlier versions as they are based on standard Humax hdf's which have been superceded. Any installation of the contained hdf will just result in it being overwritten by the overnight OTA back to latest Humax standard firmware. Thanks

    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 12:21:14 #15 |
  6. Barry


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    Hi Barry, Can you also please remove the links for all of the earlier versions as they are based on standard Humax hdf's which have been superceded.


    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 13:22:10 #16 |
  7. simoncroft


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    A partial success for me, Raydon.

    "Try smb://Foxsat-HDR/Video as your server address instead of the one you are using. Because of the /media folder is mounted on the HDR's tmpfs file system, it's size is seen by samba as 61.2MB only."

    That worked just fine, thanks

    "For it to be playable on the HDR you need two additional sidecar files. These can be created using another of my utilities AV2HDR."

    Again, threw a .VOB at your excellent utility and soon had three files, which I uploaded to the Foxsat's video folder, as per your instructions. The .TS is identified correctly as MPEG-2, while the other two files show as Unix executables, just like the other .nts/.hmt files from TV recordings.

    Alas, when I attempt to view the video, by going into Media with the remote, it is not listed on the TV screen. I have repeated the exercise but still can't get the file to show. I'm sure I've missed a basic point here and I'm guessing you can get me over the final hurdle in one sentence.

    Once I've got to the point where I can watch video, would it be helpful if I wrote a set of illustrated instructions, aimed at Foxsat users with only a basic knowledge of computers? I am a professional manual writer, so I feel the least I can do is to offer to give something back in return for all the hard work and help you and the Humax user community has given to me.

    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 14:07:12 #17 |
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    simoncroft - 4 hours ago  » 
    ....threw a .VOB at your excellent utility and soon had three files, which I uploaded to the Foxsat's video folder, as per your instructions. The .TS is identified correctly as MPEG-2, while the other two files show as Unix executables, just like the other .nts/.hmt files from TV recordings.
    Alas, when I attempt to view the video, by going into Media with the remote, it is not listed on the TV screen. I have repeated the exercise but still can't get the file to show. I'm sure I've missed a basic point here and I'm guessing you can get me over the final hurdle in one sentence.
    Once I've got to the point where I can watch video, would it be helpful if I wrote a set of illustrated instructions, aimed at Foxsat users with only a basic knowledge of computers? I am a professional manual writer, so I feel the least I can do is to offer to give something back in return for all the hard work and help you and the Humax user community has given to me.

    Hi Simon,
    I can indeed get you over this hurdle, but not quite in one sentence. AV2HDR creates files, expecting them to be copied to the hard disk from an attached USB drive (the filename and path is hard coded into the .hmt sidecar file i.e /media/sda1/myrecordingname). If you copied it over in this way it would have been visible in The HDR's Media List. However you copied it using FTP, or samba, directly into the Video folder /mnt/hd3/Video so it doesn't match what's in the .hmt file and consequently the HDR won't recognise it.
    The latest Windows version of AV2HDR has an inbuilt FTP function which corrects the path to wherever you transfer the recording to. Unfortunately, I was unable to implement FTP on the MAC version which runs under mono. All is not lost though. Just locate the recording using the Web Interface's "Browse Media Files" and select "Rename" from the "Opt+" button alongside it. Then choose "Update" (no need to rename unless you want to) and the path in the .hmt file will be updated to reflect its current location. It will then appear in the HDR's Media List.

    As to your kind offer of an illustrated "dummies guide", the Web Interface itself has comprehensive documentation built into it. (This documentation is currently under major overhaul). How would you publish any illustrated instruction set you might write so that it always remained current? That's one of the problems I have with the firmware itself. I have no control over where copies are posted and if they ever get updated, leading to obsolete versions being installed. The main support thread for the custom firmware is on AV Forums in the Freesat section. I suggest you take a look at the information there. There have been "dummies guides" published there in the past for "pre web interface" versions of the bundle, but these were deemed unnecessary with the advent of package installation using the online repository.

    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 18:51:20 #18 |
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    Barry - 5 hours ago  » 

    Hi Barry, Can you also please remove the links for all of the earlier versions as they are based on standard Humax hdf's which have been superceded.


    Thanks Barry

    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 18:54:54 #19 |
  10. simoncroft


    Joined: May '12
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    Hi Raydon,
    Thank you for sticking with me on this one. I followed what you told me, and my test video can now be played from the Foxsat via Media on the remote. Result! (The video is very pixelated but it's up to me to optimise the conversion settings now that I know how the basic process works - this was just a test.)

    I read the material you put on the AV Forums before I got too far down the line, and it is extremely good. As a result, I'm not rushing to say I can do better. However, you have kindly donated your time to sorting out my problems, so I'd like to apply a bit of my time to figuring out where I went wrong and why. You should only have to answer these questions once.

    Additionally, my brother-in-law (who is really keen to get the same functions from his Windows machine and the Foxsat box I suggested he buy) is an ideal test bed for me. He's a real 'email and web' user, so I'll be interested to see how he gets on.

    Once I have some basic user information to steer me, I'll put a few PC and Mac "Dummies Guides" together and host it on our own site. If you think what I come up with has merit, great. Otherwise, I can either improve it or bin it!

    Cheers, Simon

    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 23:31:10 #20 |

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