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Raydon’s Media and File Server Bundle (R3)

(70 posts)
  1. myhumax


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    Wow! I have managed to get the time to install Raydon's modified firmware for the FOXSAT-HDR - and it is absolutely amazing!

    I shall be blogging or creating a wiki page on this, but in the meantime, I starting this thread to discuss how wonderful it has made my FOXSAT-HDR - bring it back to live again!

    The media bundle can be downloaded from Raydon's Download page here:

    Installing is simply upgrading the firmware via the USB stick method, and then installing the applications afterward in the same way.

    I just installed one application - the Twonky DLNA server - and then ran XMBC on my Mac laptop to connect to the FOXSAT-HDR and added it as a source for video and letting it discover the files and folders on there. I then selected a recording to playback and it just simply worked!

    I can also playback HD (enc) recordings! WOW!

    Thanks Raydon! Keep up the good work - and please could you hack the HDR-FOX T2 so we can install a DLNA server to do the same?

    | Thu 7 Apr 2011 10:24:53 #1 |
  2. savvy


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    I can also playback HD (enc) recordings! WOW! [:)]
    You sure?

    | Thu 7 Apr 2011 10:32:15 #2 |
  3. myhumax


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    savvy - 9 minutes ago  » 

    I can also playback HD (enc) recordings! WOW! [:)]
    You sure?

    I think so... I played back a recording on BBC One HD (briefly) - are you saying this doesn't work? (I've not kept track of the thread on AVForums...)

    | Thu 7 Apr 2011 10:43:30 #3 |
  4. savvy


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    son_t - 10 minutes ago  » 

    savvy - 9 minutes ago  » 

    I can also playback HD (enc) recordings! WOW! [:)]
    You sure?

    I think so... I played back a recording on BBC One HD (briefly) - are you saying this doesn't work? (I've not kept track of the thread on AVForums...)

    BBC1 HD is presently unencrypted But, for how long?

    | Thu 7 Apr 2011 10:55:00 #4 |
  5. myhumax


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    Ah, I see... (Although with recordings the Enc icon shows for BBC One HD )

    But I also had a quick playback of the buffer 0.ts and that played OK and I was watching the football on ITV1 HD - is this channel encrypted? (It could be that the buffer is not encrypted...)

    | Thu 7 Apr 2011 11:01:06 #5 |
  6. savvy


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    Confirmed - buffer not encrypted.

    | Thu 7 Apr 2011 11:16:23 #6 |
  7. super-admin


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    So, we can't playback encrypted HD recordings...

    So we just need a script to clear the buffer at the start of an enc HD recording, change channel to HD recording channel, copy buffer when recording ends...

    @Raydon, can you make an install package for perl? (Also need cron, and a way of accessing the schedules...)

    Actually, why can't we just write our own recording scheduler?

    | Thu 7 Apr 2011 11:30:40 #7 |
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    super-admin - 1 day ago  » Actually, why can't we just write our own recording scheduler?

    You can, and you should! Why do I have to do all the hard work ?
    The custom HDR firmware is configured in such a way, as to allow users to add their own applications, complete with auto-install/uninstallers. swedish cook has done just that, and released a housekeeping utility for HDR recordings.

    | Fri 8 Apr 2011 14:00:45 #8 |
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    Hi, I'm new here and new to modding my Foxsat HDR. I have used other means for streaming media for several years and have been happy. I have always believed my HDR could do more due to its hardware that seams to be unused in its factory state.

    I have read some things that have now made me want to tinker with the said device.

    Can anyone tell me if I install this software can I actually browse content from my media server from my HDR or am I misunderstanding the point?

    I appreciate that browsing content on the HDR from a network can be done.

    Thanks in advance.

    | Sun 10 Apr 2011 9:58:28 #9 |
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    Jjays_HaX - 7 minutes ago  » Can anyone tell me if I install this software can I actually browse content from my media server from my HDR or am I misunderstanding the point?

    The simple answer is you can't. The HDR will only 'see' content that is in the correct format and which has the two additional sidecar files required for playback. However, if you use AV2HDR to create video in the correct format, and if you can connect your media server directly to one of the HDR's USB ports you should be able to browse and playback the content in that way. You don't need to install any modded firmware to do this.

    | Sun 10 Apr 2011 10:17:34 #10 |

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