I would add it you select a fixed ip address for a host you should either exclude it from your dhcp servers address pool or make an address reservation on your dhcp server (normally your router) for it.
My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » FOXSAT HDR
Raydon’s Media and File Server Bundle (R3)
(70 posts)-
| Mon 15 Aug 2011 17:06:12 #59 |
Looking at your PuTTY screen capture your attempting to connect to the HDR on port 9000 which is the one used by TwonkyMedia web interface. You must use port 23 to connect via telnet.
| Tue 16 Aug 2011 22:09:57 #60 | -
I have file transfer working (using samba) and it it excellent apart from the speed. Transferring from my PC to my HDR maxes out at around 48Kb so everything takes forever. Is this low speed expected?
| Thu 18 Aug 2011 8:37:59 #61 | -
pbeckett - 4 hours ago »
I have file transfer working (using samba) and it it excellent apart from the speed. Transferring from my PC to my HDR maxes out at around 48Kb so everything takes forever. Is this low speed expected?No, I get 5.5MB per second using homeplugs to connect my HDR to the router.
| Thu 18 Aug 2011 13:22:40 #62 | -
I get higher 6-7mb/s - mostly 6.8mb/s (diectly cabled with a cat5 cable I made up)
| Sun 21 Aug 2011 16:24:25 #63 | -
detrosuk - If it is of any help, I had similar problems with errors on the installation associated with the USB stick. In the end it was not a problem with the formatting but one of copying the file to the stick. To solve it, I put the 3C RAR file on the stick and extracted it directly from there. To make sure after the errors, I re-flashed the 15 update first and the copied the installation files I wanted to the root directory.
Thanks then to the excellent work of Raydon, everything worked; thank-you again.
| Wed 24 Aug 2011 11:48:47 #64 | -
I am trying to install the foxsat-hdr media and file server bundle v 4.0.7.
When I try the install then the upgrading screen does not appear, the box just turns on as normal. I have read the readme.txt and think I have followed the instructions. I recently used the same USB stick to upgrade the box to humax official v1.00.20 and all worked well.My suspicion is the if my foxsat-hdr is already on v1.00.20, then raydons v4.0.7 wil not be recognised as a valid upgrade (since it is compatible with 1.00.20). Is this the case, and if so, is there any way to convince it to install raydons software ?
Many thanks for producing this software – it should be really helpful.
David.| Sat 7 Jul 2012 11:57:18 #65 | -
davidallen - 20 minutes ago »
I am trying to install the foxsat-hdr media and file server bundle v 4.0.7.
When I try the install then the upgrading screen does not appear, the box just turns on as normal. I have read the readme.txt and think I have followed the instructions. I recently used the same USB stick to upgrade the box to humax official v1.00.20 and all worked well.
My suspicion is the if my foxsat-hdr is already on v1.00.20, then raydons v4.0.7 wil not be recognised as a valid upgrade (since it is compatible with 1.00.20). Is this the case, and if so, is there any way to convince it to install raydons software ?
Many thanks for producing this software – it should be really helpful.
David.The update doesn't care what firmware you have, it reflashes to 1.0.20 anyway (it's included in the upgrade).
Try reformatting the stick and have the hdf as the only file on it.
When it has worked you will get a message on the display during boot up confirming 4.0.7 is installed.
| Sat 7 Jul 2012 12:21:44 #66 | -
grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago »
davidallen - 20 minutes ago »
I am trying to install the foxsat-hdr media and file server bundle v 4.0.7.
When I try the install then the upgrading screen does not appear, the box just turns on as normal. I have read the readme.txt and think I have followed the instructions. I recently used the same USB stick to upgrade the box to humax official v1.00.20 and all worked well.
My suspicion is the if my foxsat-hdr is already on v1.00.20, then raydons v4.0.7 wil not be recognised as a valid upgrade (since it is compatible with 1.00.20). Is this the case, and if so, is there any way to convince it to install raydons software ?
Many thanks for producing this software – it should be really helpful.
David.The update doesn't care what firmware you have, it reflashes to 1.0.20 anyway (it's included in the upgrade).
Try reformatting the stick and have the hdf as the only file on it.
When it has worked you will get a message on the display during boot up confirming 4.0.7 is installed.Many thanks graham for the speedy response.
I was using linux (fedora16-32bit) for putting the hdf onto the usb. I tried reformating the usb on windows os, with humax official hdf and the foxsat-hdr seemed to recognise it ok. I then put raydons hdf file onto the usb via linux and again it failed to recognise it. I used windows to put the raydon hdf onto the usb and all ok - it has installed a treatawesome. Thanks graham, raydon, mogie and all contributors - great work!
Summary - something a bit wierd with my usage of fedora16. Using linuxmint13 was fine with usb, so not linux's fault per-se.
Thanks again
David| Sat 7 Jul 2012 13:56:42 #67 | -
Hi Folks,
I am a newbie on this forum and quite new to Humax; but I’m an avid techie with many years of electronics experience. I am a very active member of the South African forum for DSTV forum.dstv.com and do decoder H/W and S/W field testing for the local broadcaster, Multichoice.I spend around 4-months of each year in Kent and the rest of the time in South Africa. I got back from England yesterday and can report on highly successful remote access into both my Humax products, installed at my house in Kent. I only installed the Raydon firmware this trip.
Foxsat 500Gb HDR
I’ve got Raydon’s latest firmware installed and am accessing it remotely via a D-Link DIR645 Router, using port 777. I’ve got BT Infinity Broadband, so plenty of bandwidth. It works great. I just watched a recorded episode of Star trek, here in SA on my home theatre, which has a dedicated PC. Picture and sound quality both excellent.
The box powers off between 02:50 and 03:15 so no forced OTA updates.Freesat HD Box
I’m accessing this box via a Slingbox Solo for live content playback. As the set-top box is also connected to the internet, I can also access the BBC and ITV players remotely from SA without the need for a VPN. Again this works very well; the Slingbox remote is a perfect match to the Humax. Quality is nothing like as good as from the Foxsat; but it is live TV.I use DynDns for DNS services.
I also have some bespoke GSM-based technology installed so that I can power cycle all my equipment remotely and separately, by sending a simple text message, in the event that I get a hang. This is extremely useful as hangs can often stop this equipment working; particularly the router. I have lots of other monitoring, measurement and security equipment that is beyond the scope of this forum.
So, I’m looking to hook up with like-minded folks who are doing this sort of stuff. I can provide advice and will be looking for advice in the event of issues; none yet.
Should we post in this thread? Or should there be a separate thread or blog to focus on these fairly advanced uses of the excellent Humax products? I'll be guided by the regulars and the moderators.
Cheers, K.
| Mon 6 Aug 2012 18:23:45 #68 |
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