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Readability of Text in Program Guide

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    Just purchase my "DTR T1000" based on my satisfaction with my Foxsat HDR.
    I have Macular Degeneration and am registered blind.

    The Foxsat has really good size fonts and I can read them albeit with my nose against the screen. My only gripe would be a higher contrastr between theforeground nad background. The youview has the contrast ie white on black but the font size is really small leaving lots of blank black space. A much bigger font would fit in quite easily without too much overflow.

    Is anyone else struggling with this?

    | Mon 12 Nov 2012 14:50:58 #1 |
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    Yep, same problem the font is very small on a 32inch TV. Previously had BT vision box and the font was excellent on this device. Upgraded recently now thinking I might have to buy a 40inch TV just to see the "Guide".

    Please increase the font size

    | Tue 13 Nov 2012 23:03:10 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    I have not find the DTR T1000 to be any worse than the Foxsat HDR in this respect but I know a lot of people do seem to struggle.

    I agree there is a lot of wasted space and on the EPG I would like to see this rejigged to show a full two hours at a time and lose the huge border on the left hand side that is there apparently to remind people they can go back in time as well as forwards.

    | Wed 14 Nov 2012 10:02:06 #3 |
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    Owen Smith

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    There is a Zoom buttun on the remote, press it and the DTR-T1000 zooms in the screen making the text quite a lot larger,

    | Sat 8 Dec 2012 16:43:06 #4 |

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